this will probably be my last update with the skunk hero as something has gotten into the garden and literally dug holes all around the roots on this plant. I think i have a ground hog or moles something like that, that is really loving the aroma of this plant or something. I have the cage around the root zone but whatever it was was small enough to get through the caging and is eating the roots off this plant? I haven't ever seen this before and whatever it is, is only attacking this plant for some reason....

shit the veggie bed, man! That really sucks! --- fuckfuckfuck.... How large are the screen openings, like the typical gopher basket?
It's possible it's not just one vermin, maybe a small pack/family? ...mole crickets or some other 6-legged fuckers? That's a lot of rootage to power down, in so short a time,...
Any tell-tale surface signs? A night visit may be enlightening.... with a shovel!
I hope you can find out who the violator is Jean -

Don’t she look poisonous?

I see what ya mean! ...serious trich' density on that pheno

...what the aroma like, anything close to the namesake?
Auto's look great Jp, fingers crossed for a clean finish and decent weather to let that happen!
Update Day on day 84
They just started showing girl parts so now it’s just status quo. 7-10 gal pots (green is 10) peat based soil preamended with Dr earth 4,4,4 and topdressed @4 wk intervals. All rain for water. Now to the pics of what @Waira calls my “hedge” lol.

- when that fills in with buds it'll be pure Spank-O-Vision material! .... I hope the aroma follows through too, then it'll be really over the top
Not been to the guerilla plot for 9 days and the UK is going in to drought, with hose pipe bans spring up everywhere!
Luckily I have a convenient water trough half mile from the plot.
15 Liter hauled today, 20 liter is too much hard work in this heat.
I expected to find wilted plants and virtually no growth, due to the lack of rain.
However When I got to the plot, everything was green and healthy, with a substantial spurt of growth!
Happy days indeed, I smiled like a Cheshire cat, when I saw how well they were doing.
No vermin,rodents or deer had visited all was looking good.
Its seems all the hard work prepping the ground had paid of and I couldn't be happier.
I gave each plant 1.5ltrs, which seemed loads as I was watering it in.
I will try to water a bit earlier next time and start adding the guerilla juice (for flowering) in the next week or two.

Right on RT-Z, that is welcome and happy news! I'd smile broadly too if I was greeted with that image upon arrival-

Has the heat pissed off yet?
As always, well done mate

Hot and dry with gusty winds in N lower Mi, great that the herb is close to the water spicket Happy Farming

This is about halfway for this grow to finish said something about a major broken branch..??

Can't keep a tough woman down!
GH, how were the effects of this version of NL, pretty heavy or more balanced? Spicy-piney aroma, or sweeter?
Female Seedz WWxBB photo Day 58 :smoking: she was 5'8" this morning, and yes, still has a lil wayz to go before hittin the roof of the grow area, but we're ruffly one week away from the flip here in mizery, and at the rate she'z been goin, i decided to g'head & supercrop unfortunately, we'll never know how tall she would've gotten now, lol
You can always use a tailor's tape measure!

.... they looks solid my man, nuthin' can stop that leggy stretch with your light exposure conditions,... neck-snapping is smart here
Me, spend money on a grow?!?!
Just dug a little hole, about a spade-width square and deep.
Intended to add some free pigeon poop but never got that far.
Added a handful of free blood fish and bone at the start of flower.
And just give them a liter or so of water maybe every 5 days or so.
..who says money is a measure of love (besides the fucking diamond pirate bastards)?!

... blood and poop love for the Win!
Tell me about it.
Just a few days before, I lost my ID card.
Realized and luckily found it right next to my plants.
Out of my pocket when taking some photos.
Talk about leaving incriminating evidence at the scene of the crime.
I did that once before with my Sweet Seeds and Fast Buds grow a few years back...
Fetch that wig!
verily, and a proper spanking too

(no pics
@arty zan -

) .... I like this one coz of the sorta cray-cray look on this nose candy queen's face!

.... you funny, girlfriend!
Growing ---- growing ---- growing ----

All the girl's in there stretching dresses.
...and marching their fine asses into bloom-time indeed!
Your darling Waira ... In The deck hole Headband A

... Darlin', that's her name now! She fine as any there....
Unknown Silver Haze Re-veg most likely. Note she started showing flower sign 6/17/22 just before the solstice.
That one is TARFU bro', just f'ing sideways.... might as well let her run the course though, for curiosity's sake if nothing else.... Might be a nice hashy/extract candidate yet!
Skunk hero little low on water at the time of this photo she looks better now.
She's got the show to herself now, for her kin,... poor Jean-O, right? What a waste-

... meantime yours has definitely Mojo'ed up from that tea!
Cakey looks a bit stuffed now! ...figure you'll go

on her soon?
MG-25 She is my the pole dancing girl.

Hope she don't get any splinters

...gonna be some cola spikes popping out for sure!
We've had a lot of rain and humidity for this time of year. This is normally the DOG DAY'S OF SUMMER

Not watching for for Noah's Ark

My rain barrels have stayed full.
Not mad though, no... The girl's are loving the weather just now.
I pray for a dry fall harvest time...

I would hate to have all these girls end up with the dreaded BUD ROT AND POWDERY MILDEW... UGH !
Rain and humidity has held me up on a lot of things I've been trying to get done..
A plus during veg, nice! .... later though, might be time to get with Bryan/RotBlock, I'm sure he'll get you set! I just got a PM from him today--

sums it up for him! But he's down for any "testing" for folks if they G&S right here -

I told him the OD Comp is his huckleberry for this, if not a full on G&S gig....
Stuff is amazing GTG, you gotta try it! Now is the time to start, to inoculate the surfaces before buds start building in much...
That WC is damn sexy BTW, gonna be some stellar nuggage from her!

like they were made to order mein frunde! What a perfect fit they are showing, right build and heights...

What 3 ladiez are we peeping at here?
Official Update - had to move up to tier 2-3 to get the right pics as were approaching the 9ft mark.

she's gonna be a shade tree soon....
Starting my outdoor grow, late in the summer, has me drooling looking at all the plants, that were started earlier in the year!
Great work from everyone, this comp is going through the roof, it gonna be a hard one to judge!
I have skipped the competition part, partly because I keep forgetting to take up a piece of paper and write on it and partly because if this grow makes it to the end, nothing else could make me happier!
No worries RT, you are an AFN star for all you do here, so I don't think anybody's gonna bark about that little technicality! You are IN unless disasters strikes.... You already are updating more than necessary!
... another solid growth jump to boot