Completed The 2022 Outdoor Auto-Photo Competition!

:drool: That is an exceptional pheno Bob, and well grown! WW is such an classic; like NL she's another I have to revisit- :thumbsup:... how's her aroma?
Thanks brother!!
I know right...I grew her last winter indoors and was amazed how much it tasted like the White Widow which I sampled just weeks before while on holiday in Holland. This lady is really responding well to the greenhouse environment. Ok, I have to admit I'm lucky with humidity this year. It being on the low side which is just perfect for creating mold free buds.
When visiting the greenhouse I need to get real close to her because the smell of the Bruce Lemon Diesel is overpowering everything else inside making it smell like the cleaning lady just went through the garage. But the WW smells really floral...Can't go wrong with Dutch Passion, can you?
Hey ... Jean-O thanks pal :cheers:

I don't usually do good in pots outside.:doh::shrug: Usually have problem's lots
Im not a fan of growing in pots outside. Last year the auto's grew roots right through the bottoms of the bags into the soil and I couldn't move the pots after about the first month they were secured to the soil from the roots that grew through the fabric pots ( I should have put an air gap at the bottom of the bags to air prune the roots). I haven't tried photo's in pots in a long time but it was years ago last I tried and the bigger pots like they have now weren't available ( I don't even know if the fabric pots were around when I last tried a photo in a pot outside). I haven't ever seen plants grow the way they do in native soil anyways so I prefer to just stick them right in the ground less issues and better growth plus cheaper on the pocket book seems to be a good way to go about it for me.... What size pots did you end up using this year?
I got a feeling with how the nights have been cold and plenty of rain there will be plenty of issues to come during flower here in Michigan soon..... The East Facing side of my plants that are full sun spots always seem to start to get PM right around now from the sun hitting the dew on the plants early in the morning before it dries off the leaves. The plants that are only getting partial sun are actually doing better than the full sun plants I may end up building a privacy fence on the east side of the garden to block out the morning sun one of these years to see if it helps with the PM on the east side of the plants.
Did you end up putting an air gap at the bottom of your pots or are they setting right on top of the soil? You probably don't have any plans on moving any of those beastly plants anyways??? Not without a fork truck anyways lol....
:crying: :doh: :rofl::doh: yep they grew straight through the bottom into the soil:shrug::yoinks:
The wedding cake and your plant the skunk hero are both in 15 gallon pots and they both have trays underneath them to catcher the water. Because I always have a time with the smaller pots and new it up front about them drying out prematurely and wilting the plants more than I'd like to get them wilted. The other three plants the silver haze purple wookie industrial plant are all in 25 gallon pots. And the Fire OG Kush is in a 65 gallon pot. And then the 4 girl's that are in the cage are directly in the ground And @Waira darling Headband A in The deck hole :toke::crying:
The 65 gallon pot I knew I would have a good time with that. But the 25s I've had pretty good results in the past using those larger pots like that but bigger is always better for real. the 25 gallon pots did have a small air gap underneath one edge of them that was only because I needed to level them. But yeah they've all grown straight into the ground.. I tried to move the Citrus super Haze this morning and it's stuck right straight in the ground. I ripped one of the handles out trying to move. So yeah they're staying right where they're at for this year and next year I'm going to run in pots again but I'm going to run in bigger pots probably 40s all the way up through there maybe I'll go as big as 65 but I don't think I need to go that big I like going in the ground with these fiber pots it seems to work pretty well maybe I'll encourage that next year. but I didn't want to dig up my yard cuz I'm getting ready to put this place back together and sell it. So I'm trying to save my yard some. Y I'm in growing pots. I may grow all in pots next year completely. And not going to ground at all because of the above reason.:shrug::pass:

Im not a fan of growing in pots outside. Last year the auto's grew roots right through the bottoms of the bags into the soil and I couldn't move the pots after about the first month they were secured to the soil from the roots that grew through the fabric pots ( I should have put an air gap at the bottom of the bags to air prune the roots). I haven't tried photo's in pots in a long time but it was years ago last I tried and the bigger pots like they have now weren't available ( I don't even know if the fabric pots were around when I last tried a photo in a pot outside). I haven't ever seen plants grow the way they do in native soil anyways so I prefer to just stick them right in the ground less issues and better growth plus cheaper on the pocket book seems to be a good way to go about it for me.... What size pots did you end up using this year?
I got a feeling with how the nights have been cold and plenty of rain there will be plenty of issues to come during flower here in Michigan soon..... The East Facing side of my plants that are full sun spots always seem to start to get PM right around now from the sun hitting the dew on the plants early in the morning before it dries off the leaves. The plants that are only getting partial sun are actually doing better than the full sun plants I may end up building a privacy fence on the east side of the garden to block out the morning sun one of these years to see if it helps with the PM on the east side of the plants.

Did you end up putting an air gap at the bottom of your pots or are they setting right on top of the soil? You probably don't have any plans on moving any of those beastly plants anyways??? Not without a fork truck anyways lol....
My auto for comp fastbuds gorilla punch planted on the 19th may at 87 days today, she’s ready but reluctantly waiting because I see you must select an auto a week b4 chop so will wait a weeif have to but I only had 1 auto in this comp so it’s not like I got others to pick from. A lovely smell coming from her and am excited to dry n smoke her. @Waira @Fast Buds Heather


Some dry Auto Lecter buds, courtesy of beans from @Sawney_bean !
Just cut them and hung them from a nearby tree branch.
Got a bit more sunlight on them, not ideal, and it was too hot, but there ya go.
Sticky as hell, even just cutting the nugs and putting them into a jar.



That was the slightly smaller one.
She was a bit skunky musky when drying, but not has a light citrus / lemon to her.
Colors held a bit more, so still a little green.
Not the tightest trim, but when the little sugar leaves are this sticky, why waste them??

Then the bigger one with more color:



You can see some of the purple under the trichomes on the main stem calyxes.
She's lost more green, so the buds are golden yellow now, with hints of purple showing through.

It's stickier than the one above.
Sitting in the jar for a few days before rocket launch.

Meanwhile, the younger plants in the field are doing okay.
They had a few hot days without water, but are surviving okay.
Stretch is done there, for sure.
And now they are sending out lots of little tufts of fluffy white pistils into the sun.
I'm figuring most of them will be as big if not bigger than this larger Lecter above.
I think one of the Nugs is already showing purple.

Blaze on brothers and sisters.
And free da 'erb!

Some dry flower pics off the outdoor Lecter auto battle plant. It is a terpy beast with amazing flavor and quality. Big thanks to @Sawney_bean for hooking me up with this top notch cultivar! It was a joy to grow and even more enjoyable to consume....
:drool: oh man, that some frosty sparkly stuff! .....How did the aroma/flavor settle now that she's dry?

A few dry buds off the outdoor Sweet Zkittlez that flowered early which was a welcome surprise. I just about have the whole plant harvested but had a few branches that flowered a bit later than the rest of the plant that are still out finishing up for the next week or so. It definetely threw down with the yield even with the shorter veg, the flavor is sweet and spicy pretty much exactly the same as it was with last years plant.
more :drool:... damn, I'm floored you landed that girl already, that's beyond fast and hair trigger blooming even for an F1FV!

The garden is in high gear now and things are getting exciting.... Soon my nose will be on overload with terpenes! From what I am seeing currently I should be able to do a staggered harvest again this year which makes things a lot easier.
:woohoo1::coffee::woohoo1: Wow, blowing up the frames now! .... DRC is really reaching and stacking nodes as well; that's going to be a gas to see loaded up in particular...
CBD should qualify for a catalog appearance! Offer the Sweet guys the option- :thumbsup:
:biggrin:....Loving the side crew this year as well Jean, great cultivars and all phat and happy! I hear good things about Gramps' Stash,... eager to see how MMXX performs and finishes in particular. I saw today that very suddenly the Something Good has developed deeply colored petioles...

I didn't get any trimming or supporting done this week. :doh::shrug: been trimming at the farmer's place. 2 trimmers 26 plants only 6 good size one's still took 14.5 hour's plus some.
I don't have any finish pics yet of the farm. See in Thumbnails..
:vibe: lush beauties one and all GTG, such a nice shape to them! ...not something we get to see often, and that early training is paying dividends now... They seem to be bulking, but not too much vertical action fortunately :thumbsup:....
I love my cheeky deck hottie! :hump:
.... :eek1: holy crap, the farm crew was a shaggy lot for sure, no wonder it was a double shift job! :rofl:

Nothing happening much with the photos. :shrug: Muchacha is a :smoking:
She's showing to be a true OD auto Queen mate, outstanding performance! As for the other coy girls, start talking dirtier to them- :pimp: :rofl:
Does it looks like bud-set in the tops yet?
She's showing to be a true OD auto Queen mate, outstanding performance! As for the other coy girls, start talking dirtier to them- :pimp: :rofl:
Does it looks like bud-set in the tops yet?

Muchacha had less than ideal, or even good growing weather for the first month. So I am surprised how well she is doing :thumbsup:

No bud setting taking place that i could see a couple dayz ago when i checked. Soon would be very good for sure. :lol:

See what tomorrow brings :smoking:
I think it really has to do with the location in the yard. It gets less indirect sun in this part of the yard. I will probably move things around next year to take advantage of more direct light. It’s just not advantageous for big plants so it will require some scrog type setup or just auto’s to be run.

The autoflower is doing well in the other part of the yard that I’m referring too - yard S facing where I grew thJamaica Berry and Dinefem Gorillas a couple years back. The Spousal Unit has laid claim to this area for a Japanese Maple Garden in exchange of a 4x4 AcInfinity Setup in the garage.

SSSC Afghan x NL Tester day 48


All in all the tea I just gorged the garden on is kicking in really good. No nutrient burns or sensitivity in the garden.

Tea Labs 5gal bucket kit
Azos tea pack
Hi P Indonesian Bat G 4Tbs
Roots Organic Bloom Booster 4Tbs
Bigfoot Gold Myco 1/2 Tbs
King Crab Myco 1 Tspn
Rootwise bio phos 1/2 Tspn
Powdered Molasses 2 Tbs

I diluted 4:1 and sprayed it into the soil to get really even saturation. When the brew is cut in 1/2 I add more filtered water and up the ratio to 2:1 and do it all again then water 1:1.
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Thanks brother!!
I know right...I grew her last winter indoors and was amazed how much it tasted like the White Widow which I sampled just weeks before while on holiday in Holland. This lady is really responding well to the greenhouse environment. Ok, I have to admit I'm lucky with humidity this year. It being on the low side which is just perfect for creating mold free buds.
When visiting the greenhouse I need to get real close to her because the smell of the Bruce Lemon Diesel is overpowering everything else inside making it smell like the cleaning lady just went through the garage. But the WW smells really floral...Can't go wrong with Dutch Passion, can you?
:smoking:she's a lost classic alright, great to see some getting the love still!
DP does have a "truer" version than most, and that aroma profile is tell tale,... Like NL, I've not grown her yet, but unlike NL, I don't think WW would do well in my conditions outside. Fairly poor mold resistance I believe, but maybe with RotBlock/Phyter it could be landed cleanly enough-
BLD, I hear there are some superb pheno's out there, with KO stank of that very kind - :thumbsup:
Post us some dry porn when ready!

I got a feeling with how the nights have been cold and plenty of rain there will be plenty of issues to come during flower here in Michigan soon..... The East Facing side of my plants that are full sun spots always seem to start to get PM right around now from the sun hitting the dew on the plants early in the morning before it dries off the leaves. The plants that are only getting partial sun are actually doing better than the full sun plants I may end up building a privacy fence on the east side of the garden to block out the morning sun one of these years to see if it helps with the PM on the east side of the plants.
Did you end up putting an air gap at the bottom of your pots or are they setting right on top of the soil? You probably don't have any plans on moving any of those beastly plants anyways??? Not without a fork truck anyways lol....
Didn't you get with Bryan for some RotBlock? This is it's wheelhouse...
:doh: :rofl::doh: yep they grew straight through the bottom into the soil:shrug::yoinks:
yup, same here, or on a wood deck... anything that keeps the air out and moisture in will allow the roots to power right on through!
My auto for comp fastbuds gorilla punch planted on the 19th may at 87 days today, she’s ready but reluctantly waiting because I see you must select an auto a week b4 chop so will wait a weeif have to but I only had 1 auto in this comp so it’s not like I got others to pick from. A lovely smell coming from her and am excited to dry n smoke her. @Waira
Absolutely not an issue in this case mate, always do what's best for you and the plant anyway! I should have waved you in sooner, sorry... PM me too if I miss something in a time-sensitive matter!
She's looks loaded, the dry nuggs should be sugar-dipped in appearance- :woohoo1:

That was the slightly smaller one.
She was a bit skunky musky when drying, but not has a light citrus / lemon to her.
Colors held a bit more, so still a little green.
Not the tightest trim, but when the little sugar leaves are this sticky, why waste them??

Then the bigger one with more color:
:d5: -- at last, the first round of fresh stuff is in! Buds look nice even with the al fresco drying treatment- :rofl:... that does tend to pale them out, but the sugar leaves take the brunt of that and so protect the prime bits inside... Well frosted too, bet you get baked to a golden brown on that first light-up! :baked:
No bud setting taking place that i could see a couple dayz ago when i checked. Soon would be very good for sure. :lol:

See what tomorrow brings :smoking:
...bugger and fek! :doh: .... maybe you'll have to get some of Jean's batch of Zkittlez that triggered so insanely early! Or try one of the LBH Haze crosses lkike the one I grew last year... First to trigger by weeks! And there's a Green Poison cross too...:eyebrows: