When to use mosquito dunks?

Hey everyone, I always have issue with gnats. Seems I always have to manage them even during the winter.

So my questions is can mosquito dunks be used at ANY time during a auto’s life?
Yup…. I used to sprinkle the bits on top of the soil in the seedling stage, and reapply during flower if needed :pass:
Try nematodes, works way better than BTI/dunks. I do a monthly round of nematodes that keeps them suppressed and that be used anytime .

I use pot poppers they work good. Water them in right away. Dont have a problem with gnats anymore. Just got to keep them moist for at least 3 days. I do till the little balls inside are gone.
I use pot poppers they work good. Water them in right away. Dont have a problem with gnats anymore. Just got to keep them moist for at least 3 days. I do till the little balls inside are gone.

Nearly the same price for those gets you better results with nematodes. They cover more pest as well. BTI really doesn't work all that well compared to nematodes, read that link about them.

Nearly the same price for those gets you better results with nematodes. They cover more pest as well. BTI really doesn't work all that well compared to nematodes, read that link about them.

they are nematodes. They work great. Pretty cheap no need to refrigerate and they last a couple months or more. Just i a cool dark place. Come in nice bag that treat a 5 gal pot. The box comes with fifty 5 gal treatment like 40 bucks a box. Got it off ebayhttps://www.ebay.com/itm/Environmental-Factor-50-x-1-Million-Benifical-Nematodes-S-feltiae-Pot-Popper-/265552144886?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0
they are nematodes. They work great. Pretty cheap no need to refrigerate and they last a couple months or more. Just i a cool dark place. Come in nice bag that treat a 5 gal pot. The box comes with fifty 5 gal treatment like 40 bucks a box. Got it off ebayhttps://www.ebay.com/itm/Environmental-Factor-50-x-1-Million-Benifical-Nematodes-S-feltiae-Pot-Popper-/265552144886?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0

My bad I found a different product. Yeah I agree that is perfect
I have tried the dunks. Had no luck and seemed like my plants didnt like it. But that was my first grow. And since found nematodes works so much better get some nematodes. My opinion and if they are already to the point you see them flying around you will need yellow sticky traps to get ride of the adults. Nematodes only work for larvae
BTI works when applied properly and is more cost effective if you do not reuse the soil. If you will reuse the soil and you maintain the moisture level properly then the nematodes will become more cost effective.

How so? The nematodes die off once pest are dead so at minimum seasonal application is required.