When to use mosquito dunks?

My wife has like a million plants in the house and it seems like they all have gnats in them year round so I'm always nervous about tracking them into my tent
Yeah mine too :wall: . we've always had them around the house even before we grew canna. I go a little overboard with sticky traps :rofl:. But i need the next level stuff now:shooty:
I go with the liquid pond BTI but due to a bag of worm casting that was not in the room and not open I got a bigger breakout and bought the nematodes as a second option. Lots of yellow sticky traps as well.
Hey @Frank the Dank @Badfinger @Jerseyphresh1 Found some Bits today they only had one bag. they did have lots of dunks.:thumbsup::d5:
Do you guy have a suggestion on how much i should top dress on my soil and coco pots? Seems like a couple to a few tablespoons per pot?
Or maybe better off mixing into water/feed:shrug::rofl::d5::pass::pop::thanks:
P.S. No expiration date on bag

They also had this stuff a bit more pricey 29.99$ seems like same stuff:shrug:

I generally just sprinkle a few tablespoons (although I don’t measure lol) around the surface of the soil. No need for 100% coverage or anything like that. The dunks are the same as the bits, just compressed together. I put them in a ziplock and break them up with a hammer :pass: