I always thought ketchup was invented to cover the smell and taste of eating rancid ground beef. But I have no idea where I got that from...

Also it has to be only Heinz ketchup or just keep it away from me

Not surprised to see the meatloaf slander. Bad or even mediocre meatloaf sucks, but if you can make a good meatball you can make a good meatloaf. I think it has to do with the passed down recipes getting it all wrong. I hated my mother's loaf. Also ketchup belongs nowhere near it. BBQ sauce like
@Suki813 suggests is great. Or my house I wrap the meatloaf in bacon and cook it on a sheet pan, then broil to crisp (or smoked when I have time then broiled). Served with brown gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet corn and bread