Good Morfnoevight All you happy LS contributors!
We do have a Mephisto vendor badge and you award it to yourself.
Go to your Account>Account Details scroll down to the "Badge Request" field and type in the word Mephisto. Letter Case Counts. If there are other words in there just use a space between them - no punctuation.
You have to wait for the server to run the tasks routine for it to show up in your account. I don't remember the frequncey of that routine. Just be patient it will show if you typed the word in correctly
I forgot there is a permissions problem accessing the picture files for the badges since the platform moved.
Here is a picture of it
View attachment 1382204Now just tell the server where it is

This may be redundant but there is no metal other than Stainless Steel in the valves or fittings in your tank are there?