Hello everyone, as the thread mark says, I have had a bright idea, this is it, please tell me what you think!.....Back when I was just beginning to grow, a couple of years ago I purchased a fan for the purpose of drawing air from my tent and filtering it, to help with the dank stank, some call them extraction fans....including me, haha!!... anyway, I bought a 4" TT inline extraction fan and a filter, set it up...TOO F**KING LOUD!!...so I bought a silencer box to put it in....WRONG F**KING BOX!!

....so this flat-pack, MDF, piece of s**t box and the fan and filter have been taking up space and generally getting in the way for a while now.....so in a kind of last-ditch attempt to try and make it more silent, I had the bright idea to do this.......
Step.1)...I wrapped the fan in loooads of cling-film, blocking the ends with some white card first...
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Step 2)...I made some some stands, taped them on to raise the fan up and added some sticky foam around the outer edge of the fans in and out......
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Step 3)...put the fan in the box and made sure it was in the right position....
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Step 4)...filled it with this and screwed the lid on.....tight hehe..
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...and that's as far as I got bcoz it has to dry haha, but when it is, I should be able to take the box off, bit by bit....and end up with a solid foam cube.... carefully cut down the middle, take the fan out, strip the cling-film off the fan and re-assemble the whole thing.....but it should be much quieter........no?......let me know gromie's and groshe's......cool or fool? hahahahahahahah...have a nice day!!...