Fast Buds Girl scout cookies & tangie

Everyone carry on with the smut and banter, but remember to lay off the ginger thing i told you all hes sensitive about it:doh:
Naw he loves the attention :bighug:

:rofl:    I've only got ginger pubes but i shave them to make my little tinker look bigger :eyebrows::eyebrows::eyebrows:
Every little helps and all that

I thought I was the only one that did that

:rofl::funny::rofl: - fek me, I'm getting hilarity cramps!!

Don't I really know it! that was just a bit o' absurdity tossed in the mix- :chef::haha: ... you, Vlad, Duck and Itisi have damn near made me piss the chair with laughter over the years here :thanks::rofl:

Start with what sound you make running across the garden...topless.... :yoinks::crying:

Glad to have been of service. That what it's about - laughter - it keeps us young!

Oh God are you referring to that joke I make in the staff room, MoG told it to his wife and she got pissed at him?? :rofl: I can't recall the joke now dammit... Hmmmm... Something to do with the sound of clapping hands.. In any case I can't run nekkid anymore at my age, I get two black eyes every time!! :crying:

Hmmmm wait, I thought maybe it was the "What does an older woman have between her boobies that a younger woman does not"? "Her bellybutton" joke :gary:
Shite I don't know, I'm rambling now...

Rambling and still funny! The misses will love the last one!
Mate being into redheads is fine, but if the thought of wiles short and curlys gives you wood.... Your as disturbed as the rest of them
:crying: :woody:
I don't like the short or curlys, give me smooth pubes any day! :hump: (of the female variety) :dancer:
Calm yerself son - we don't need yer arse in hospital again!:rofl::pighug:
There was a sweet redheaded nurse at the hospital I tried to hit up for a sponge bath, but she sent the male orderly to do the job. :yoinks: I told him never mind I'd do it myself! :rolleyes1:
Got the last couple of girls chopped had to take out the old bowl trimmer to speed me up a bit.
Heres a few last pics the bigger girl went first

She came in about 650g wet so 5.5-6oz dry
And lastly the 3rd plant that stayed pretty squat. Buds on her were a lot smaller but again all suprisingly dense. Even the lowers were worth trimming. Normally i toss them in a trim bin.

She was about 435g wet so 3.5-4oz dry.
Will post some dry bud pics in a week or so and tell you all what the smoke is like.


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