Just got paid!

Money goes in

money goes out

Well aint that just life eh?

It however isn't all bad, in fact it is mostly all good!

I have just had an Ebay splurge

stocking up the supplies cab!
In my first post I didn't cover Nutrients because i wasn't sure what I was going to use.
I have plenty of bits and pieces of this nute and that nute from different lines. which I could have grown with but I guess now i am saving them for a time if I run out of anything.
I decided,partly from other growers journals to grab me some "Dutch Prow, Coco, Hard Water, Autoflowering nutes".
I ordered the full kit, which comes in a box that looks like a Dutch narrow house, which made me smile when i saw it!
- Dutch Pro Grow and Bloom 2-part base nutrients
- Includes a bottle of the awesome Dutch Pro Explode for stunning blooms!
- Dutch Pro Take Root ensures a huge and healthy root system
- Multi Total provides enzymes and lots of other great ingredients to complete the line-up
- Includes a full easy-to-use Dutch Pro feeding chart so you don't have to remember when to use what!
- For use in hard water areas
- For Autoflowers
That box, it's got to make you smile!
The next choice was to get some silicon for good strong leaves and stem, my choice here was "Vitalink Silicon Max".
My next choice was "Vitalink Fulvic"
This product can be used as a foliar spray or as a root drench by adding it to the nutrient tank.
- Boosts plant results at each life cycle stage
- Improves the way plants transport nutrients
- Starts to work as soon as it is applied
- Foliar & root drench
When using high light levels under the full spectrum of LEDs and growing in coco, Calmag is something every grower should have on hand.
High light levels combined with coco's love of binding calcium make Calmag a must, but al calmags are not equal!
The inclusion of iron in the mix is the missing links, so these days any calmag for must have iron in it.
My choice of Calmag is "Ionics Clamag Pro" which also has a few other nice bits and pieces in it.
Ionic Cal-Mag Pro contains three key ingredient groups to return plants to healthy growth:
Mineral elements
Ca and Mg to restore peak growth.
Three calcium sources including chelated calcium for rapid assimilation by the plant giving quick results.
Fe (chelated) to correct a potential deficiency or uptake limitations.
Organic Compounds
Specific amino acids, in bioactive L-form for speedy absorption, to enhance photosynthesis and nutrient uptake.
e.g. Glycine and glutamic acid are fundamental metabolites in the formation of vegetable tissue and chlorophyll synthesis.
Seaweed Extracts
For increased resistance to pests and diseases.
To alleviate abiotic stress.
Enriched with natural growth enhancers.
Now we are getting to the substrates.
Firstly is my choice of coco.
For the past two grows I have been using "Coco Guru's - Coco coinz" with great results!
In the past I used "Canna Pro coco" which I liked and never had a problem with but when big bags wrapped in black plastic were delivered , I used to get some wry grins!
With Coco coins they come as compressed pucks, 10 puck when soaked in water make 1 Liter. this is a very convenient way to measure how much you need before rehydrating!
Also when delivered it is a relatively small box and I get no knowing looks!
Developed to include the benefits of compressed coco, made into manageable small COINZ that can be dropped into individual pots with ease. Just pour the required amount of COINZ into your desired pots, giving you a total of 50 litres of coco in a small handy box, with handle, weighing approximately 3.2kg.
Size / Contents
• 50 litres
In Brief
• Pre-washed – low sodium
• Pre-buffered – high in calcium
• Non-fertilised – low EC
How to use
1. Open packaging
2. Tip Coinz into a minimum 50ltr container
3. Pour water onto Coinz for expansion
4. Once fully expanded, sprinkle into plant pot
Note: For faster expansion use lukewarm water
In recent grow I have added "Growstones" to my coco. Growstone are made from recycle glass. The glass is expanded, much like clay pebbles are to give them many tiny holes. These tiny holes hold air and water/nutrients and they have a much higher air holding capacity than perlite.
Unfortunately there are no stocks in the UK presently, I'd have to buy from Canada with a hefty shipping cost!
So I have ordered so "Perlight".
In addition to the above I have also purchased some "Dutch Pro - PH- Down for Flowering". I still have plenty of "Dutch Pro - PH- Down for Vegetative & Dutch Pro PH+ UP for both Vegetative and Flowering.
I have also ordered some more measuring syringes as the older ones are losing their measurement lines and numbers.
Other bits and pieces include
"Maxicrop - Take Root" - Root growth stimulant.
"Rootacillin" - biological root inoculant. Prevents and treats root disease & protects against Pythium,phytophthora & Fusarium. By coating the root with million of beneficial bacteria.
"Nitrozyme" - Promote strong and healthy growth, I will use it as a foliar spray - Seaweed based.
"Plant Magic" - Bio-wetter - For breaking the surface tension of nutrient solutions, which allows for better wetting and soaking in of nutrients in the substrate ie. coco.
Finally we get to the "Hesi Super Vit" - SuperVit by Hesi is a growth and flowering stimulant that gives your plants a series of important amino acids and vitamins to keep them healthy and growing fast.
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B1
- Vitamin B2
- Vitamin B3
- Vitamin B4
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin B7
- Vitamin B9
- Vitamin B10
- Vitamin B11
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin B15
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin D
- Folic Acid
- Glycine
- L-alanine
- L-tyrosine
- Glutamic acid
- L-tryptophan
- L-histidine
- L-leucine
- L-serine
- L-phenylalanine
- L-proline