Oh..you do use some Interesting stuff
@Growtogrow ..I've thread marked it so people can pick it up if they want to get some..
Tea Vicar...?.....

@dankstyle J said he started experimenting with white clover tea...I have lots of Lavender so I tried Lavender and sage teas....
View attachment 1017203
The Lavender teat is the Nicest tea I have made....Everything in a tea that is cooked Stinks of poo...doesn't matter what it smelled like when it went in..the fermentation process turns it into pure poo...

..definitely not what you'd want for an indoor grow room....
The Lavender is the first fert tea that actually smelled reasonable After the ferment...it retained the Lavender smell..but a bit more chemical..maybe lavender furniture polish.
Anyway..I didn't get a full trial done..maybe first 6 weeks of life...never thought about it until we opened a bottle after cure...and it was total flowery fragrance...checked the label..sure enough..it was the Lavender one...
So..nothing conclusive...but enough to make me include it in this years grow too...just to be Certain one way or the other...
Interest piqued...Lavender readily available...

..Worth a Punt...
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Lavender spider...

..they wouldn't be as Scarey if they were all pretty pink huh..?