Lovely set up bro
subbed for the ride 

Does look a bit overwatered to me bro. How much are you watering each morning?
Unless your space is very warm I'd say that 500ml per day is a bit much at this stage of their lives M8. Let them go without water for a full day and my bet is they'll perk up a good bit then feed them a bit less if you want to keep feeding daily I'd try maybe 200ml/ 250ml per day at this stage gradually increasing 50/100ml at a time as they grow or alternatively feed them your usual 500ml but let them dry out completely before feeding again.. my guess is that 500ml would keep them going for 2 days at this stage of their life. I think 500ml a day is too much so your roots aren't getting enough oxygen, cuz the soil isn't drying out before you tip the next 500ml in. Just my 2 bobs worth buddy. Good luck.