You're girls are looking great, got a few that look extra special too

I'd definitely get them in the bigger pots though... I was kinda wondering why you started them off in the smaller pots again. I'm sure with all the research you've done you know most people just plant in the final pots (I know space isn't an issue for you).
There were a few things that influenced the decision ...
Firstly, I read a couple of posts on here where transplanting actually invigorated the plant, resulting in an explosion of growth from the new found freedom. The common sense in that just appealed to me.
Secondly, the other benefit I've found is that in the smaller pots, less watering is needed, which means less nutrients being used, so its more cost effective. Given they're also NOT airpots, the medium doesn't dry out as quickly as in an Airpot, which also adds to the 'less watering required' and the resultant cost savings.
... not to mention using less medium.
In the first grow, my germination rate wasn't 100%.
There were a couple of pots that had nice, new medium placed in them for a seedling that never eventuated.
16 x 30L Airpots of medium plus the frequent use of advanced Nutrients sure adds up!!
It's also the little things like the leccy saving too.
Smaller pots = smaller footprint = less lights required to cover same number of plants.
If I had thrown them into 16 x 30L airpots, chances are I wouldn't be able to get away with just using 2 x 600W HPS lights to cover them all. That number of 30L pots would pretty much take up the full tent area, whereas for the first 3 to 4 weeks, I'm only using half the tent area, so only needing to light half a tent.
Time will tell I guess ...