INTJ & Non-Violent Domestic Extremist
How come you switch (or at least transition) to bloom nutes so early? Consensus seems to be to feed grow nutes till they stop their stretch, which your a few weeks away from probably... I usually don't wait quite that long, maybe after about 5 weeks. You might not be letting them get to their full potential by switching so early, just saying![]()
Haven't switched ... giving them a 50/50 blend

I read on here - or maybe another forum [I genuinely can't remember] - about a grower feeding Bloom nutes the whole way through.
Soooo ... I mulled it over.
My rationale is that at the preflower/stretch phase, you have a mixture of needs to serve.
Absolutely they need the Grow nute to feed the stretch and the development ... so I 100% agree with you.
I would be foolish to cut their Grow nutes completely.
There is zero intention of doing that.
At the same time, they're starting to develop structures for the latter flowering phase - so why not meet those requirements earlier ... without neglecting the Growth needs? Pre-load them and give them a head start, so to speak.
But hey ... what the f*** do I know?
This is only my second grow!!
As with anything I try, I monitor it very closely, and have no problem admitting I'm wrong, and reversing any path I travel.
They'll have 2 days to show me their reaction to this Sensi Grow + Sensi Bloom 50/50 blend.
The Bud Candy is really just Carboload ... they're essentially the same product - slight variation, but primarily the same.
Feeding them Carboload at this stage wouldn't be seen as 'switching' to a Bloom schedule, so I don't view using Bud Candy as anything different to using Carboload.
If it looks like they don't particularly like it, or show any adverse reaction like a slow down in their stretch, I'll flush and revert back to Grow nutes only.
Two days should be enough to gauge their reaction, but isn't too long to cause irreparable harm.
Well ... that's the newbies theory ... time will tell I guess.

So speaketh the unconscious incompetent in me.