Dutch Passion Yozhik grows Dutch Passion's CBD Auto Compassion Lime®

DAY 34


TEMP: ... 23° C [+/-2°C]
HUMIDITY: ... 57%RH [+/- 7%]
2 x Maxibright Daylight CMH with Philips Mastercolor CDM-T Elite 315W/930 T12 CL Agro 3200K


3 x Cree CBX3590 3500K 4-COB Strips ... [12 COBs in total]​

Tap Water
General Hydroponics Flora Bloom @ 1,5 ml per litre
General Hydroponics Flora Micro @ 1,0 ml per litre
Grotek Bloom Fuel @ 1,0 ml per litre
Grotek Heavy Bud Pro @ 1,0 ml per litre
Aptus CaMg Boost @ 1,0 ml per litre
pH'd to 6,0

Had to make a call on changing the light schedule back to 24/0.
I need the heat in the tent.
We're having an Ice Age cold snap right now, and lights-off temps are just too low.
Outside temperature earlier this week was -7°C, which I have not experienced before, at this time of the year.

The next issue to deal with will be humidity.
It's OK - for now in the 50%-65% range ... BUT, later in the flowering phase, I really need to find a way to bring it down.
This is with the dehumidifier on constantly too - a dehumidifier that has never previously had issues controlling this tent.
Apart from sticking a second dehumidifier in there, I'm scratching my head for a solution at this stage.
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I'll bet you I'm generally messier. I'm really very good at filth. I'm actually afraid to smoke some strains because the reviews keep talking about cleaning the house, that's how serious I am about a good mess. I get couch lock from breathing, is what I'm saying.
Now, if I'm reading you correctly, this means that I'll have a really extra neat, clean grow? I like this thread. First I was ashamed, now I'm optimistic. Real roller coaster ride.
I'll bet you I'm generally messier. I'm really very good at filth. I'm actually afraid to smoke some strains because the reviews keep talking about cleaning the house, that's how serious I am about a good mess. I get couch lock from breathing, is what I'm saying.
Now, if I'm reading you correctly, this means that I'll have a really extra neat, clean grow? I like this thread. First I was ashamed, now I'm optimistic. Real roller coaster ride.

Yes, yes.
The grow chamber becomes the Room of No Shame.

It's where I go to prove to the voices in my head that I'm not a disgusting piggy.
I point at the ScrOG screens and trumpet, "See?? I CAN do it!"
I know I've won, because at that point, the voices are silent.
Obviously defeated.

I then escape, having tasted brief success, into the Fiefdom of Filth, to immerse myself once more into the quagmire of self loathing, as the bacteria Baron and overlord of landfill.