UPDATE: Day 50 ...

LIGHTING: ... 4 X 600W
SCHEDULE: ... 20/4
TEMPERATURE: ... ~ 23°C [+/-5°C]
HUMIDITY: ... ~ 38 RH% [+/-5 RH%]
POT/MEDIUM: ... 30 litre pots with BioBizz Light Mix

Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Bloom A+B @ 2.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Sensizym @ 0.5 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients B-52 @ 0.5 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Big Bud @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Nirvana @ 1.0 ml/l​
WATER pH: ... 6.5
QUANTITY: ... 1.5 litres

A little bit of tent tinkering completed.
The smell coming from the tent - especially during lights off - is sensational.
Sweet lemons is how my daughter described it.
I can't argue with her verdict.

UPDATE: Day 51 ...

LIGHTING: ... 4 X 600W
SCHEDULE: ... 20/4
TEMPERATURE: ... ~ 23°C [+/-5°C]
HUMIDITY: ... ~ 38 RH% [+/-5 RH%]
POT/MEDIUM: ... 30 litre pots with BioBizz Light Mix

Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Bloom A+B @ 2.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Sensizym @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients B-52 @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Big Bud @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Nirvana @ 1.0 ml/l​
WATER pH: ... 6.5
QUANTITY: ... 3.0 litres

OK - so a CalMag issue has exploded on Campus, so I need to jump on that ASAP.
Given the immobility nature of CalMag issues, the fucked leaves are, well, fucked.
Might see if I can track down some foliar witchcraft, to double team with a root solution.
Other than that, all seems under control.

Have upped the feedings recently to daily, and started slowly in terms of the amount, but the girls have signalled they needed more.
The feeding has just been upped to 3 litres, and we'll see if they can take the same tomorrow.
I suspect they'll handle it just fine.

UPDATE: Day 52 ...

LIGHTING: ... 4 X 600W
SCHEDULE: ... 20/4
TEMPERATURE: ... ~ 23°C [+/-5°C]
HUMIDITY: ... ~ 45 RH% [+/-10 RH%]
POT/MEDIUM: ... 30 litre pots with BioBizz Light Mix

Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Bloom A+B @ 2.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Sensizym @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients B-52 @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Big Bud @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Nirvana @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Revive @ 1.0 ml/l​
WATER pH: ... 6.5
QUANTITY: ... 3.0 litres

Looks like the ladies are taking to the increase in feeding just fine.
It has pretty much doubled in the last few days, now at 3 litres per day.
I've also changed the feeding schedule.
Whereas before, feedings were done according to MY routine, and so happened mid-morning, I've switched to a schedule according to THEIR routine; i.e. They are fed 30-60 minutes after lights coming on, to replicate an optimal early morning, "sunrise feeding".
They seem to be relishing in those tiny tweaks; whenever I take a sneaky peek through the sneaky peek window, they're all praying hard, showing zero signs of over or under watering, so it feels like a nice equilibrium has been reached ... For now.

Just waiting for the delivery van to deposit some of that CalMag witchcraft into my hands.
I need it urgently ... Yesterday would be good. Last week even better!

Sorry for the TERRIBLE video quality.
The colours are absolute shite - but it still gives a general impression of proceedings.

UPDATE: Day 53 ...


LIGHTING: ... 4 X 600W
SCHEDULE: ... 20/4
TEMPERATURE: ... ~ 23°C [+/-5°C]
HUMIDITY: ... ~ 45 RH% [+/-10 RH%]
POT/MEDIUM: ... 30 litre pots with BioBizz Light Mix


Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Bloom A+B @ 2.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Sensizym @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients B-52 @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Big Bud @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Nirvana @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Revive @ 1.0 ml/l​
WATER pH: ... 6.5
QUANTITY: ... 3.0 litres

Old skool today - back to photos for a change.

UPDATE: Day 54 ...

LIGHTING: ... 4 X 600W
SCHEDULE: ... 20/4
TEMPERATURE: ... ~ 23°C [+/-5°C]
HUMIDITY: ... ~ 45 RH% [+/-10 RH%]
POT/MEDIUM: ... 30 litre pots with BioBizz Light Mix

Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Bloom A+B @ 2.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Sensizym @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients B-52 @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Big Bud @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Nirvana @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Revive @ 1.0 ml/l
Aptus CaMg Boost @ 0.5 ml/l
WATER pH: ... 6.5
QUANTITY: ... 3.0 litres

I dare say it is a case of the horse having well and truly bolted, but FINALLY received the delivery of the magic potion to retard the Calmag deficiency that has suddenly become rampant in the tent.
I opted for Aptus CaMg Boost, given some comments here, there and everywhere.


Was loathed to use the Advanced Nutrients CalMag because of its 4-0-0 NPK, which I suspect has contributed to N toxicity issues in the past.
However, I may have jumped out of the frying pan, into the fire, as on close inspection - which I saw no mention of prior to ordering - that the N-Ca-Mg ratio is 9-9-2; i.e. Has a higher level of N than I was hoping for.
Time will tell.
