New Grower Your cats will eat your plants. True story folks...

:crying: Thanks guys these stories are hi-larious. Keep em coming.
It is good to keep a little container of bermuda or rye grass growing for the indoor kitties to munch. They need to be able to a a few live greens from time to time.
haha. Cool thanks gtron. That's what I thought about actually. That 'cat grass' kit you can get from Walmart works too. Might be the same thing I reckon.
Yeah, probably the same thing, unless it is catnip, which is basically kittykannabis and will either make them tear around the house like lions after a gazelle or rub themselves all over the floor like a drunk lush until they pass out!
thats interesting my cat hates smokes, he doesn't really take a liking to dried bud material either, however he absolutely loves fresh fresh green foliage he will ravage if he does not have a barrier between he and the jungle lol. first he runs around wild throwing his toys all over and then just slowly relaxes into a slumber for the next 3-4 hrs just chilling he's funny. sometimes he even begs like when you'll be working he just sits next to ya patiently like hey daddy can i please have a piece of candy lol.
My cats absolutely hate the smell of the plants or freshly cut nugs but if i'm burning a J they won't leave my side and love a couple blows of smoke in the face :confused:
Hiya AFN. Squid here. As some of you know I flushed my four baby AFs today bc of my soil being too hot. And like a tard I left my tent open in my room to flush them in the kitchen. When I came back I found that one of my cats(and I know which Bit*h it was too, haha) had eaten all six chive plants that I had going with my basil. And the two bag seed seedlings I had as well. Luckily it was just those as I would be super duper pissed if it were my AFs. But I really don't think I would've left it open if they were in, I had my "goods" in my hands and walked out knowing I had the important ones. Cats don't like basil, though. Little too pungent for them I suppose. Not too pissed about the chives although I did have six good ones going. Oh well. Live and learn. Just though I would share this. Your cats really shouldn't be around your tent or grow room anyway but still. I love my cats so I do my best on their territory. Good day to all.

Little Known Fact: ONIONS are Toxic to Dogs & Cats, chives are much more mild but higher quantities might do it. I hope they're feeling alright.

thats interesting my cat hates smokes, he doesn't really take a liking to dried bud material either, however he absolutely loves fresh fresh green foliage he will ravage if he does not have a barrier between he and the jungle lol. first he runs around wild throwing his toys all over and then just slowly relaxes into a slumber for the next 3-4 hrs just chilling he's funny. sometimes he even begs like when you'll be working he just sits next to ya patiently like hey daddy can i please have a piece of candy lol.

My cat has the same issues, rips like a bat outta hell from a lit dub, won't look twice at a bag o' nugs, but leave your babies unattended and he turns into a friggin' Dingo!
Hey there Cannibal, we've had some issues with livestock eating onions both wild and domestic and it caused some issues... The weird thing is that humans can also die from an onion overdose, and , while it takes quite a bit, it still bothers me that there are plants sold in grocery stores that can kill quite easily if certain parts are eaten (potato greens or growing roots, and rhubarb greens are very toxic plus many more, but there aren't usually any warning labels, and they won't sell a plant that wont kill you, like cannabis! Mind boggling....
Damn that's crazy about the onions. Didn't know that. Totally agree surf that sh*t is retarded. Canna rules! She(my cat) seems fine. They were young plants. Cats are the weirdest. I love them.