A few questions about AFs, and ethos AFs in particular...


Full tunnel views from 1 and 2. The second image forefront in that Barney's wedding cake plant

Another Barney's wedding cake..
The wood that holds the plastic is about 45" high, for perspective

Ethos Zweet

Barney's wedding cake

Ethos banana daddies

Mephisto Sour stompers. These look likely be be the best quality of the bunch to my eye (and nose), at least this early on.


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Yea. Colin says a lot of things. He's kinda like the Elon musk of the weed world, lol. But...


SO, it's not the sea of green I was hoping for. Presumably, we are done with the stretch, and I've had a pretty sunny run of things in general. My apogee meters a fairly uniform 1800 ppfd within the tunnels on full sun days. Which have been plentiful. By the looks of it, I'm looking at around 12 to 14 lb, which is far short of what the ad blurbs told me (not that I put much stock in those anyway). But I usually beat those numbers out in the photo world by a good measure (the advertised yields, that is). Had I gone with my usual cadre of photos, in the same space, all other things being equal, I'd be confident in a 55-60 lb yield. Easy. So all in all, my preemptive conclusion about these autos is largely the same as it was before... Hobbyist level in terms of production, with zero benefit over photos aside from the alacrity with which they finish. Now, had I TRIPLED the plant count, I'd be closer to that imagined sea of green, but with the seed prices, that would be absurd in cost, not even mentioning an the extra pots, soil, irrigation stuff, etc. Perhaps growing indoors, under 20+ hour light would achieve advertised yields, but honestly, all that added cost in electricity and nutes, etc... They still couldn't come close to photos. But hey, this was an experiment moreso than anything else, so on to the findings, thus far....

So the biggest surprise is the mutations that I expected to see... Or rather, where I expected to see them. Mephisto takes first place in mutant morphology, by a loonnnnnggg shot. In that, of the 3 breeders, Mephisto are the only ones exhibiting mutations. THIS was a big surprise to me, considering their pedigree. 3 frond leaves here and there, a couple side branches that mutated into double fan leafs rather than an actual branch, etc. I honestly expected this honor to belong to Ethos, with their F1s/Rbx1s they are famous for... Certainly not Mephisto F7s. It's not likely to impact the overall too too much though... Just surprised me is all. The good news, for you Mephisto fans, is that they all exhibit a pungent terp profile and are developing at the fastest rate. The mangos are the biggest, at almost 4'tall... The sour stompers at maybe 3'-3.5', and are the clear leaders in development in the whole race. They look good, mutations aside. They smell even better.

The Ethos side of things look like they are super stable, with the least genetic variance so far. Another big surprise. They are all substantially slower however. Size wise, the banana daddies are the biggest, @~4'tall. The OG Kush are amongst the smallest, at half the height.

The biggest plants, that look overwhelmingly like they will yield the most, are the Barney's freebie Wedding cakes that came with our order. Those suckers are a good 5' tall, with excellent side branching characteristics... There are 4 of them, and they all look amazingly homogenous. These were germed as backups for ethos/Mephisto failures, and a good thing too, as a number of the Mephisto failed to pop, and a couple that did just up and died anyway. Another 3 freebies that were subbed in are strawberry cookies, but I'm not sure who the breeder is on those. Anyway... Some pics forthcoming...
Thanks for sharing that info! It's nice to see a large sample group and hear feedback about how they do and compare. :cheers:

It would be interesting to know when the dust settles, how much weight per plant each strain averaged at...
Mephisto Sour stompers. These look likely be be the best quality of the bunch to my eye (and nose), at least this early on.
Not surprising to me. One of my favorite cultivars - strong yield, quality head stash, and tough as nails.
It would be interesting to know when the dust settles, how much weight per plant each strain averaged at...
I'll certainly be cataloging that. Part of this process was to compare it to what I can do with photos to ascertain the viability of autos in the grow room, under LEDs. Being outdoors as these are, the numbers will be skewed for sure, and I can't count this as an apples to apples comparison, but I'd figured this would at least give me an idea of the potential they might hold. It's a lot easier to keep a seed stock than to keep mother's and do the cloning, and farming fem seeds is easy enough to do.
I'll certainly be cataloging that. Part of this process was to compare it to what I can do with photos to ascertain the viability of autos in the grow room, under LEDs. Being outdoors as these are, the numbers will be skewed for sure, and I can't count this as an apples to apples comparison, but I'd figured this would at least give me an idea of the potential they might hold. It's a lot easier to keep a seed stock than to keep mother's and do the cloning, and farming fem seeds is easy enough to do.
I would have suggested a run with either of the following strains.
FastBuds Bruce Banner, Orange Sherbert, Blue Dream O Matic, Wedding Cheesecake, or Strawberry Banana. Mephisto, Ripley's OG, or SODK. Dutch Passion Auto Mazzar. Barney's Farm Critical Kush. Night Owl Seeds, Mango Isle, or The Mandela Effect. There are more I would suggest, but all these are great yielding autos in the right conditions. Maybe next time you run autos, have a look at these strains..
Ripleys OG and, especially SODK were on my very short list...sodk was actually at the very top. Unfortunately, I could not find them anywhere I looked.
As it stands, I can reliably pull ~30-35lb in my 24'x14' canopy space with 90 photos in 3 gallon pots under ~7.6kw of LEDs. If I could do 28 to 30 with autos, under an 12hr flower schedule, i might be able to persuade myself to run autos.
Ripleys OG and, especially SODK were on my very short list...sodk was actually at the very top. Unfortunately, I could not find them anywhere I looked.
As it stands, I can reliably pull ~30-35lb in my 24'x14' canopy space with 90 photos in 3 gallon pots under ~7.6kw of LEDs. If I could do 28 to 30 with autos, under an 12hr flower schedule, i might be able to persuade myself to run autos.
@stan_mephisto may be able to help you out with locating them.
If your looking for bulk seeds of some good autos Atlas is a good breeder to check out as well. They are more focused towards commerical growers based on their website and sell in bulk. From what I've seen their autos are great, running a fog dog right now and it's going great so far.

Can't go wrong with fast buds, mephisto or night owl though. That's mainly what I run now.
If your looking for bulk seeds of some good autos Atlas is a good breeder to check out as well. They are more focused towards commerical growers based on their website and sell in bulk. From what I've seen their autos are great, running a fog dog right now and it's going great so far.

Can't go wrong with fast buds, mephisto or night owl though. That's mainly what I run now.
Good call.. Atlas would be another great option for a larger scale commercial operation. :thumbsup:
I would recommend Orange Sherbet as well. My largest harvest to date = 20.5 oz, although it was in a 10 gallon pot. Everyone LOVES that strain too. Doesn't mind warm to hot temps and does well outdoors. If you spend a little time on the training/topping you could likely eclipse the harvest I pulled.