New Grower Your cats will eat your plants. True story folks...

The Squid

Spaced-out CephaloMOD
Feb 26, 2012
Reaction score
Hiya AFN. Squid here. As some of you know I flushed my four baby AFs today bc of my soil being too hot. And like a tard I left my tent open in my room to flush them in the kitchen. When I came back I found that one of my cats(and I know which Bit*h it was too, haha) had eaten all six chive plants that I had going with my basil. And the two bag seed seedlings I had as well. Luckily it was just those as I would be super duper pissed if it were my AFs. But I really don't think I would've left it open if they were in, I had my "goods" in my hands and walked out knowing I had the important ones. Cats don't like basil, though. Little too pungent for them I suppose. Not too pissed about the chives although I did have six good ones going. Oh well. Live and learn. Just though I would share this. Your cats really shouldn't be around your tent or grow room anyway but still. I love my cats so I do my best on their territory. Good day to all.
So in other words ,you had a cat running around high whos breath smelt like onions.
haha. She is hard asleep right now. And she always gets around and likes pot smoke when we burn. Crazy ass...
One of my buggers ran into my room when I had both bedroom door and tent flap open. It was watering day and usually leave both open to give me easy access to the bathroom and bedroom. I found him in my tent stiffing and rubbing the plant with his face.
mine used to lay on starts... but i think iv'e trained it out... i let them get a tan in the grow room occasionally during crappy winter months... :smokeit: they like to smoke... but usually dont eat...
hi my cat loves weed, if u leave any around or where he can get it, they its gone and he is in his bed all day licking between his legs, lol
it's funny but this weekend my cat ate one of my plants too. it's about 20 cm and young. she kind of topped it though...she cut and chew 3 tops exactly from the right spots.... :smoke::smoke:

i think the plant may survive. i kind of worry about the saliva she left. i cleaned them with a paper but still. nevertheless it was a funny story to remember.
my cat helps me get rid of yellowing leafs she eats them after i pick them off and place in a pile

:crying: that's a good one Thai

my 18th b-day my buddys dog ate a 1/2oz and puked it up on his parents bed while we were all passed out from the other 1/2oz and 1/2 gallon of wild turkey 101 between 4 people

that was a fun night i think :lol:
Dogs get Happy with the Happy too.....
