Photoperiod やばい Pakalolo

Day after the defol and nutes and everyone seems pretty happy, lots of praying I'm happy.



Nice stems ya got there! All the pests gone finally?

I haven't seen one in about 2 days but I did see one singular thrip still. Amazing at how resilient they are. The last lost coast spraydown I coupled with more D.E on the soil so let's hope I killed em off for good. If not I'll just keep on em like I have been. I've hated having thrips but on the bright side of things at least I have experience with dealing with these assholes now ?
Day 22
Lol I think I was stoned last week but uhhh yeah this is week 3.

I'm still fighting with like 1 or two thrips here and there in each tent. The damage is minimal and I blasted the 4x2 tent with DE in a spray bottle. Application tech will get better with time lol. I'm almost out of Lost Coast Ipm spray, so I'll be going back to Dr zymes. Maybe the switch up will mess them up.

I'm happy with the canopy thats coming along. I need the last few clones to root so I can make more room. The gorilla cake.. im thinking of getting rid of a few, not a fan of the ones that grew into straight spears in the solos.

Oh this is my first auto ever, her names Bertha! My diary of her is on the seedstockers section.


Terp tea bloom @ 3tsp per plant top dressed.
Elemental @ 1.5 tsp per plant top dressed.
Watered in with 1/2 tsp per gal of Recharge.
Light foliar of cal mag. Waiting on some organic cal mag. The foliar cal mag I have is non organic so I don't really wanna put it into the soil. I can see the difference in bud growth. This is the first time I've had such good results indoor, and it's all thanks to the awesome equipment I have now compared to my budget grow before. Even with the pests I'm happy with everything going forward.



Slurricane might be a little peeved

Front right corner Ice Cream, baby amounts of frost.

Week 4
Yesterday was day 29 so basically a month in flower. I gotta say plants are beginning to stack up. The Killa B has a lemon lime scent that reminds me of Kool aid, very pleasant. The Ice cream Sundaes smell nothing of their name, they reek of gas and skunk terps. Garlic Juice have no smell yet. They seem a little hungry so I might up their nutes a little more next week if they look like they are showing more deficiencies. Next grow I'm gonna switch bloom nutes.

The Ice Cream gal in the front right corner is falling all over herself. Gonna need to get her some support. This grow will be done with no trelis because I need to check daily for thrips. Gonna need to find some cheap support.

Terp tea bloom @ 3tsp per plant top dressed.
Watered in with 1tsp per gal of recharge.
Cal mag feed will happen tmrw, I ran out of cal mag.



Ice cream

Garlic juice

Garlic Juice

Ice cream Sundae
Thrip damage and all, no smoke and mirrors here. Still damn frosty Slurricane got 3 more where she came from. Smells like a sweet cream with a hint of sour.

Day 32

Day 36
Girls got their topdress of the week..

3tsp Terp tea bloom per pot

Organic Calmag 2ml per gal of h2o
Fish shit 5ml per gal of h2o

The girls are starting their finishing process and the front row Ice cream is falling all over herself. Other than that all I can say is the plants look ok for the most part. Not my best grow as I've grown some nice plants outdoors but it's my best indoor grow so far. Pushing Out fat greasy trichs everywhere so for that I am grateful.
The Ice Cream Sundae really pulls from the wedding cake family omg her smells are gas and chocolate cake, crazy.


Ice cream Sundae


Garlic juice
Day 55


organic cal mag 2ml/gal
Fish shit 5ml/gal
Top dressed 3tsp of Terp Tea Bloom

Went away for a bit cause I've been so sad about my grow lately but here we go.
somehow thrips cannot be seen in the 4x4 and wow I'm happy about it, can't tell ya how that is actually workin cause in the tent right next to her the thrips are thriving.

I've been chasing a cal mag def in flower since my 4th week and although I caught it, my girls never came back 100% from it. All in all though I'm happy we just got to make it to harvest. Just a few weeks more now, trichs on most plants are still mostly clear no ambers yet.

Veg tent looks like a murderer went through it.. don't even want to post pics of it. Thrips kicking my ass man, no point in me keeping mothers and having a perpetual grow at this time now.. thinking of binning the whole grow and starting up some autos but damn i really wanna keep some of these cuts still.

Enough rambling. If the mosquito bits I topdressed in the veg tent doesn't wipe out the thrips then idk what to do. The daily spraying has slowed their population but I still see the fuckers on my leaves. I will figure out what to do with my veg tent by the time I harvest the big tent.

Kauai out, wish me luck :smoker1:

Not many photos sorry

Slurricane dumping trichs

Killa b

The roots organics elemental has calcium and magnesium. I use it also and add cal-mag in the water sounds like a lot of juice but they really suck it up. I have not observed in my grows the plants ever getting over the edge yet :shrug: