Photoperiod やばい Pakalolo

Franklin Sinatra

Fishin, growin, learnin.
Feb 17, 2021
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
GG4 Jw Cut, & Auto Afghan skunk.
Hello all I will be growing out some #808Genetics and some Genetics from My teams company HawaiizHighestSeedco. I've been a long time lurker on this site and I'm sorry that my first post isn't an auto run
This run will be done in my bedroom I have 3 tents but I think for now I'll start in the 2x4 then go to the 4x4. My goal of the run is to find a keeper female of both strains. Clone, and then flower out. The keeper males will go to the team for breeding. Wanting 6 plants in the 4x4 for flower so we will be diligent with the LST.
I am a novice indoor grower so I am always down to hear advice from the master growers. But I've grown back in Hawaii outdoors growing up

Don't worry though I have some fastbuds and seedstockers for a small outdoor grow later in the season. That's for later.

Chocolate Shake --> 808genetics
Grease trap or jungle girl --> HawaiizHighest
(More pictured but not being ran)

4x4 Ac Infinity with their 4 in fan combo
Sunraise Qb3000 x additional viparspectra blurple if needed
3gal fabric pots
1gal humidifier
Small air purifier inside my room
Biobizz light mix
Tap water filtered by R.O filter in my bathroom.

Roots Organics Terp Tea Grow & Bloom
(Looking into Fish Head Farms Fish Shit)

Ipm: The Amazing Doctor Zymes
On my first indoor grow I got fucked with whiteflies so this time I'm bringing the fight before it even starts.

Mahalo for looking


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Da Kine Pakalolo!

I'd love to grow outdoors in Hawaii!
Welcome to AFN!

Oh yeah das dakine :pass:
Growing sun grown weed in Hawaii, too easy haha this indoor stuff is an art.
Happy to be finally posting here!
Very cool! Thanks for joining and posting so we can ride along.

Pakalolo eh? Not much regular "paka" though is it? Hahaha. Been a long time since I've heard that.
Very cool! Thanks for joining and posting so we can ride along.

Pakalolo eh? Not much regular "paka" though is it? Hahaha. Been a long time since I've heard that.
I knew a very sweet Hawaiian girl, close to Makaha, that grew some of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen to this day. I can't testify to the potency from first-hand knowledge, but I sure witnessed it! LOL! My security clearance was just too valuable to risk getting hit by "Operation Golden Flow". I usually had to"donate" at least twice a month. Her girls always fascinated me. She was related to local known as "Rabbit", an old school long board surfer.
The little bit of gardening I was able to do there always turned out amazing.
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Very cool! Thanks for joining and posting so we can ride along.

Pakalolo eh? Not much regular "paka" though is it? Hahaha. Been a long time since I've heard that.
If the pakalolo doesn't make you Lolo, then I don't know bro :rofl:
In other words these girls will make me feel some kinda way when we get to finished product !

Mahalos for dropping in.
I knew a very sweet Hawaiian girl, close to Makaha, that grew some of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen to this day. I can't testify to the potency from first-hand knowledge, but I sure witnessed it! LOL! My security clearance was just too valuable to risk getting hit by "Operation Golden Flow". I usually had to"donate" at least twice a month. Her girls always fascinated me. She was related to local known as "Rabbit", an old school long board surfer.
The little bit of gardening I was able to do there always turned out amazing.

It's just the perfect climate everywhere, little wet so you do have to be diligent with big buds but all in all if you plant it, they will grow.
Okay so little update:

Soil and pots will be here on Monday! 4x4 will be here a few days later but that is fine, we can start in the 2x4.
Went to and got my free sample! Big thank you to them.

Biobizz was great at keeping my ph in check outdoors and indoors on my first indoor run, hoping the same stays true for this run. My water is RO from Walmart and I am soon to order an RO filter for my bedroom.. thought I did this order but I didn't and went a little crazy buying seeds :crying:
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Another update (shipping still coming)

Bought a tds meter for shits and giggles.. yeah we are coming in at 650~ ppm tap water is absolutely brutal :crying: walmart will be my water supplier for now.

Seeds in paper towels in 2 days!
Whoa that's some salty water!