Hey Killa! Always great to see ya bro! Well to be honest. They are twice the size and will DEFINITELY (I say that in bold because I've never seen such bud on plants) yield double or triple than what I've ever got on an Auto. BUT lol (there's always a but) what I don't know if I like yet is that I could only fit 4 in one space as compared to the amount of Autos I can put in the same space and probably get more in total. So, it's nice to get one huge ass yield off one plant but I like having double or triple the Autos because the potency really depends on the STRAIN. And I've found some pretty potent autos in the last 9 months... And I've had more potent bud off Autos than Photos plenty of times so it's really personal preference. Sorry for the rant but you know me! Especially when I'm high! The Sweet Tooth looks to be the most potent photo I've grown yet. Even stronger than the BuKu I think... We'll see. Hope that answers your question bro. If you start a thread for your photos hit me up so I can follow! I always seem to get in late on your grows as of late...
hey west thanks thats good to know. yah i'll be starting a new thread for my photo grow just tossed as buddha tahoe og in some water last night to germ gotta wait for this last auto to be done to star another since i only have a cpl of these two gal buckets. bad plannin on my part lol. heres a link to my current grow will be the last of my autos until this round of photos get done.
Hey Killa! Thanks for the interest bro! I just took some shots for ya!
Here's the two Pineapplegum Fems (they both showed 3 days ago) and the last Mystery Kush I got. The other one was a male. This one showed pistils 2 days ago.
Pineapplegum 1 & 2
Mystery Kush
Group Shots
The Pineapplegums are between 5 & 6 weeks old. They Mystery Kush is about 4 1/2 weeks old. Yeah I'm a dumbass bro. I'm subbed to your thread! I just need to get my ass over there!
Looks good man! Only thing I see wrong is the curly leaves in the first pic, did it per chance get over watered? Or was it like that from the sprout or something?
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