Would Anyone be interrested in me posting results of Techniques used on auto's

It's Nice to see you on site again SS..I'm looking forward to seeing what Magic you have been doing.

I did see a Hint of a Black Girl...:D...

Site work is Manic ATM..I don't know if I will get it finished..so must dash...cheers Bud..

Happy New Year to you and your Loved Ones...:wiz:
It's Nice to see you on site again SS..I'm looking forward to seeing what Magic you have been doing.

I did see a Hint of a Black Girl...:D...

Site work is Manic ATM..I don't know if I will get it finished..so must dash...cheers Bud..

Happy New Year to you and your Loved Ones...:wiz:

And a very warm holiday wish to you and yours and i am sure you will get the site the way you want it your hard work and dedication shines through all
your involved w/
I agree 100% on all accounts i am very often constrewed as a sarcastic prick (well that is true) but anyway alot gets rinsed as conflict as it is hard to gain our social q's that we rely on in society more than we usually realize from a screen and often i am misunderstood most of the time:)
i am not a skeptic at heart i just always want to know how something works also and people brush it as skeptical of everything so understood
really no hard feelings after intent was understood
it is also hard to condense the pages of things that you can say in the time it takes to type it out so ideas get washed away alot of times

You and your experience are welcomed here
as a good start do you mind sharing some of the specific downfalls ou saw as i have not really had the time to post general observations i have recorded and the other plants in the mix

my latest downfall i mentioned breifly in another thread , after defoliating a plant i was about to run this test/side by side on , it didnt take the watering well , wasnt enough plant to use the water quickly enough so the roots drowned , i chalk that up to my own mistake though as i should have realized it , i had recently transplanted them into thier final pots for going to 12/12 and the plant wasnt much past getting its feet planted firmly

in the past i noticed my buds sometimes apeared bigger , but they also were leafier and with that airier of course , final weight turned out less then the expected and well known/grown clones previously , what i found is when the plants wanted to replace the missing leaves some of it was in form of leaves in the bud , im sure defoliating during veg wouldnt cause it , but for me in early flower it seemed to , that takes me back to when i first stopped defoliating , i argued with the guy that not doing it is crazy , basically the same thing as today but roles reversed , as the plants grew i didnt see a noticable difference good or bad , it came to final product and weight for me to see and understand the guy i had been arguing with was on to something

over the years ive re-tried experimenting with it , only in veg , veg and early flowering , only late flowering , honestly though my best results are always letting the plant grow natural , that could however be because of the way we discussed my setup , even back in the beginning when we all grew with the comercial flouro tubes , i always had em going down the walls as well as above the plants , and ive always painted my floors and or even put mylar on them (the mylar is slipery when wet so be careful)

my very best results are lst , opening em up , ill kink the branches right over , sometimes ive snapped branches right off by accident , they become clones lol , i only recently started bending/kinking though , in the past it was tieing em down , i find bending way better for a couple reasons , the knuckle it creates adds strength and size once healed , and 2 : i dont have strings to trip over or catch my watering jug causing me to drop it on plants lol , my strings kinda acted like a scrog but only kinda

but even when bending , i leave the leaves alone , maybe a bit of tucking at times but nothing more

peace :cool:
shit thoughfor along time about how much easier some tutorials are in vidoe form but alot exist that are good that i have seen like green man to name one person that has put forth the effort to help others in need

i went to post a vidoe and then my computer deletes the card upon loading files the damn thing posted it to a pic folder then it wouldn't transfer all after the file gets deleted apparently?/oh yeahhhh
so i will start again
the only problem is the two closet to the same branches on the plant i defoliated the one after the video
if you look at the beginning of the post the one i did defoliate on that plant was actually the runt of the three biggest closest branches and it is now taller atleast for the sake of discussion for now i will post better about all that later if i can't get a video thing up
but damn it takes forever to take pics and then explain all of them compaired to doing a video for sure
so like i said i did the video then defoliated the other branch that was closer to the same
i can show plenty of pics but the video on this camera is way better than the picture ability(or should i say maybe more user friendly video options:0
and they are large enough it is too much of a hastle to constantly remove all the plants for individual pics every time for update

but i will grab a quick few to hold over till video is sorted out:)
update 018.JPGupdate 010.JPGupdate 009.JPGupdate 008.JPGupdate 006.JPGupdate 005.JPGupdate 004.JPGupdate 003.JPGoriginally i had a control planted along w/ a altered plant here are some others to compair and the one above that waupdate 002.JPGs easily accessable

the ones manipulated are far larger w/ a combination of LST fim or top and an array of defoliation tech niques like when to do it update 001.JPG

ok lets skip ahead at later results if theese thech are used

theese are ones that used to be control and tested but honestly i didn't want to loose out on yield especially due to little response on the thread
but i defoliated the smaller one a couple of days ago and the other was only treated and is obviously much larger
so much larger it looks like other others are in the cup
but nope from seed and i have all the pics throughout to show as close as i can
bottom line the fully untreated plant in the other bucket that was shown in some recient pics i have updated ones but there are fourty pics so i will do it little by little

i was spreading this thread out to comment on individual tech to make the thread easier to understand and follow but it was taking up too much post space and needed cleaned up
here something to wet the whistle
hey all look at the one damaged leaf on every plant
that a little newbie trick to test fer strength as you increase:)
anyway got alot of choores so will post in here and there and add more that is needed but i don't have the time to post them now
All i know is i want to grow the plant on the right in the second pic
two plants same age one bag do theese two appear equal either not right now ???
update 014.JPGupdate 013.JPGupdate 012.JPGupdate 011.JPGupdate 023.JPGupdate 024.JPGupdate 026.JPGupdate 022.JPGupdate 028.JPGupdate 027.JPG

in the first pic is the plant of earlier post you can see this is after i defoliated the other branch in the pic after the video that didn't work out
1-4 are the same plant from most recient

7-8 are dif plants in one container both in their own cup obviously the one on the right was a control until last week when i treated it way later but the growth comparison is obvious right now actually you can see the control under branching better now the fans are gone and you can see the structure and how they are now catching up after about a week well three or four days i would have to look a t pic records to see

the last two pics are ones that were treated my own way throught life instead of "natural growth" ..theese were for me:) from the start and will get some pollen love later but that is not the post just throwing thoose in there to show potential dif of growth now theese aren't clones so of course genetic variation will be a factor but there are some claer results in that jungle
the genetics were clearly similiar from the start and they are only looking dif throughout the post due to dif manipulations during growth