Outdoor Winter Growing in SoCal

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Day 33
Day 39 - Oh Shit Moment
Well I made the mistake of not covering my storage container with my soil that was baking for spring and had that "oh shit" moment when I remembered... It got filled up with water from the rain so I basically had a super tea. I decided to pour out some on the lawn and bucket brigade out another 20 gallons or so of the water into my garden plants and a little into the blue dream.

Started scratching my head like any logical thinker (computer engineer) would do... I didn't want this soil to be a total loss, waste my investment in KIS, become nasty from being over saturated with rainwater.... So ... I ran down to the local hydro shop and picked up a brick of compressed coco and a big bag of EWC... why??? My soil mix was 30% coco to start and I felt that I would be able to put that whole block of coco into the container and it would soak up all of the good nutrients & water as it uncompressed.. I added in additional EWC, Biochar, lime and bloom nutrients to help re-amend the soil a little bit for what might have been lost. I went out this morning and it worked better than expected... the soil was almost near field use, still a bit wet but the coco had soaked up probably 90% of the excess water overnight and still had some work left as I broke up the block more. It looks like I just need to add in another big bag of perlite to cover the stuff that floated off easily during the bucket brigade.

Meanwhile the BD is cranking up
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Day 56 and Merry Christmas!!
Interesting I was reading @MedCzech grow journal and realized I had not tested soil Ph... I tested my soil ph today with the accurate 8 and bam.. 4.5ph.. Interesting that the plant is actually doing so well but probably could be doing a lot better had I checked this last month. I top dressed some granular slow release Lime to help raise Ph up without shocking the crap out of it. So far the results (prior to adding the lime) look pretty good and the buds are getting bigger; just slower. We're at 9hr 54min of sunlight today and it will just get longer from here. I'm going to take a SWAG and say this will probably go to at least 75 days with the low light conditions. The residue on the fan leafs in the photo are from some ATAK RTU I sprayed the plant with to help prevent mold/mildew.
Day 64.. Nothing other than Amazing!! This girl is on auto pilot and filling out nicely, really green no issues. This has been the easiest grow to date. I'll get a good picture tomorrow to post up.
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