Indoor Winter Autos By MOG

Lovely to see another round of M'O'G mega-buds!
Looking so healthy and strong, with beautiful colors.

The first Durban Poison Auto is hanging. It yielded much more bud than I was expecting! They are quite dense. The plants look so small.This plant is further proof that pulling the bottom bud sites is a mistake as they turned into fine buds all without any defoliation. They simply do not need to be in direct light to ripen.

At least one professional horticulturalist I ran into on line stated that direct lights on the buds was not necessary at all, the availability of resources for bud development come from wherever the plant can get them, including all the well lighted portions of the canopy.

I will continue to remove leaves only to make sure that I am happy about air circulation in the lower canopy.

These two plants are a fine example of lower bud growth when you do not defoliate! Leaves make energy. Energy grows flowers. More leaves, more energy more flowers. This might be Bro-Science but I keep proving it.

Totally agree with this.
Huge amount of hype around defoliation, and I think a lot of people (not all) harm their harvest as a result.
That's the bro science.

I notice a lot of the older Dutch indoor growers seldom if ever defol, and got huge chunky buds all over.
The light helps an individual bud, sure, but it is not essential.
Those leaves are photosynthesis powered sugar factories, remove them, and remove the bud machine.

Defol for air circulation, reduce mold, sure, that's another matter!
I harvested the Skunk yesterday. I gave her a Thin Strip for the photo-op. It really needed another week but it is messing with my timeline. This is another fine example of low buds done well. No topping, no training and no defoliation.

I agree, lower buds have value I am not going to argue that at all. I DO think the type of plant might have some relevance. You're examples are plants that are all buds basically, and not bushy or super tall/layered. Your entire plant IS being hit with light from what your photos show. Comparing it to lower bud on a super bushy plant that never gets any light exposure is a different scenario and it doesn't come out the same as the top stuff in my limited experience. There is value in it for sure, but if you aren't a grower who uses your trim for cooking or squishing...I'd argue the value of spending the time and effort to trim and cure it might not be worth it to some is all.
I agree, lower buds have value I am not going to argue that at all. I DO think the type of plant might have some relevance. You're examples are plants that are all buds basically, and not bushy or super tall/layered. Your entire plant IS being hit with light from what your photos show. Comparing it to lower bud on a super bushy plant that never gets any light exposure is a different scenario and it doesn't come out the same as the top stuff in my limited experience. There is value in it for sure, but if you aren't a grower who uses your trim for cooking or squishing...I'd argue the value of spending the time and effort to trim and cure it might not be worth it to some is all.
4 out of five plants were bushy. Look at the pictures before harvest. I trim them of all stemmed leaves at harvest for the photos. The Flowers do not need direct light to grow well if the plant has enough leaves to produce the energy to feed them.

Can you see any of these:

Showing in here?

I put the Purple Kush CBD in the Grove bags for the cure yesterday. I have been sick (not covid) this last week and should have done it a day or too sooner. The RH in the bags settled at 50%. I prefer 62%. I put some Boost 62s in them to bring it up a bit before I seal them.

Front Plant 114g
Back plant 120g
with 77g sugar leaf trim in my bowl trimmer for both plants. The trichome dust was purple. I didn't get any picture because I just barely had enough gas to get trimming done.

These are the darkest buds I have grown. I will try to get some pictures soon.
I needed to press some of the Purple Kush CBD so I can make some meds for my buddy with long Covid. I ran out of the other 1:1 I have been giving him. I hope this 1:1 works as well for him. Anyhow I just did a dab and it is very good on the THC side and has more buzz than I expected. The flavor is very floral and spicy. I will make gummies tomorrow and then I will better be able to taste it. I put the Panama Red in his chocolate for bedtime. It keeps me awake, not him? It is hard to see the toll this disease has taken on him and his family - sad.

Ms. MOG and I are vaccinated and the pressure relief is a good thing.