Indoor Window sill grow

Okay the dirty deed is done. I've cut her back a third time, reducing her overall height by 20cm. I suppose I'll find out how an auto like this will handle multiple toppings / severe pruning. She may end up quite stunted, but frankly that's kind of what I want at this point. :evil1:

I took the twin tops as cuttings and they are in the propagator along with their sisters. Madness really, but maybe I can salvage something from all this. Time will tell...

I'm not really that worried. This is practically a free grow. Freebie seed, free sunshine, just a few watts of heat mat occasionally if the temperatures drop. Still July, August and September available. So something will grow. :biggrin:
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Or supercrop and give her some knuckles :smoking:

Yeah I did consider that. I could have gone for LST earlier, but didn't realise she'd grow so tall. I was trying for the natural 'Christmas tree' look. She really shot up over about a week, and since then she's been too tall.

I think there are two problems. First I've grown a strain that has a lot more sativa leaning genetics (or maybe just this particular phenotype is very tall). And second the weather here in May and June has just not been sunny enough this year. Lots of overcast skies, and not even that warm a lot of the time. So that really hasn't helped: not so much lack of light, but not intense enough, not enough full sun.

If she stretches during flower I will have to supercrop for sure.
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wouldn't you maybe get some better results supplementing her light on less sunny days even a CFL bulb is better than no light also maybe then you may end up with some smokable bud . I'm also an indoor grower but I occasionally grow some autos in my plastic greenhouse as I did the light things at times with some of those

Last year I started one windowsill grow really early, in March, so I was topping up the light with a lamp in the evenings. But for the second grow at the window I didn't bother, because the days were so long. We're just past midsummer, and the daylight lasts for 17.5 hours here.

I have a grow in a polytunnel elsewhere (not on my property) and it's doing just fine. I also run grows under lights which is totally different as you can control so much more.

We'll see how it goes. Certainly not an uneventful grow this one... :biggrin:
Yeah I did consider that. I could have gone for LST earlier, but didn't realise she'd grow so tall. I was trying for the natural 'Christmas tree' look. She really shot up over about a week, and since then she's been too tall.

I think there are two problems. First I've grown a strain that has a lot more sativa leaning genetics (or maybe just this particular phenotype is very tall). And second the weather here in May and June has just not been sunny enough this year. Lots of overcast skies, and not even that warm a lot of the time. So that really hasn't helped: not so much lack of light, but not intense enough, not enough full sun.

If she stretches during flower I will have to supercrop for sure.
The lack of sun will definitely make em stretch between nodes in veg is what i've experienced .. it'z all fun and new experiences with each grow under the sun :joy: Never the same from year to year :smoking:
Last year I started one windowsill grow really early, in March, so I was topping up the light with a lamp in the evenings. But for the second grow at the window I didn't bother, because the days were so long. We're just past midsummer, and the daylight lasts for 17.5 hours here.

I have a grow in a polytunnel elsewhere (not on my property) and it's doing just fine. I also run grows under lights which is totally different as you can control so much more.

We'll see how it goes. Certainly not an uneventful grow this one... :biggrin:
you have all your bases covered if you grow more plants so you can afford to play around and I wish you tons of success
The lack of sun will definitely make em stretch between nodes in veg is what i've experienced .. it'z all fun and new experiences with each grow under the sun :joy: Never the same from year to year :smoking:

You got that right! :biggrin:
Day 56 by the window. Cloudy and wet mostly, only intermittent sunny spells.

Dr Jack Auto has recovered well from her third (and hopefully final) topping. I also removed the old, large, permanently drooping fan leaves from the earlier stage of veg. They did not seem to be doing much for her, in fact they were blocking light from new growth. So this lady looks rather different, if still spindly she is broader with more side branching now. She stands at 75cm at the highest point currently, a bit more manageable than before. While she has pre-flowers, still no real sign of flowering proper setting in. Maybe that's not surprising given what she's been through. Or maybe she's not an auto after all?

Four of her five little sisters are still in the propagator. I'm testing the oldest one out next to her mum on the heat mat, see how she gets on.

Day 59.

What I thought were pre-flowers turned out to be leaf buds. So, no flowering in sight.

It's possible this is a late auto, could be the strain or more likely what she's been through. Not only the lack of direct sun and cloudy skies, but also the multiple toppings, defoliation, earlier overwatering.

Or it could be that there was a mixup with the seed and it's not an autoflower. Or the strain is not fully stabilised and this seed did not inherit auto flowering traits fully.

I have heard of late or "stubborn" autos, but she should have started flowering by now. If it doesn't show any sign of happening by the weekend then to all intents and purposes this is a photoperiod and will continue to veg for a long while yet...

In which case I'll have to top and supercrop like crazy.....we shall see.
Yeah, I got one that was a mix up. Hadn't planned on doing a photo this year but gonna try keeping her going and use as a mother for some back deck bud stalks.