Sweet Seeds Wile loves a bit of Black Jack x2

oh go on you know you want to I would take 2.5 and get mashed but the wifes having a bevvy so we will watch a few movies so I at least want to be able to hold a conversation and not sit there all glassy eyed with that far off fuck me man I'm spaced look :nono: just waiting on walking the hounds then its game on :smoking:

Hehe.. 1.2g down the hatch for me.. sis in law's coming round so as soon as I've had dinner I'm off out with the mutts to look at the trees! [emoji1360]
Hehe.. 1.2g down the hatch for me.. sis in law's coming round so as soon as I've had dinner I'm off out with the mutts to look at the trees! [emoji1360]
Dude my head was wrecked last night had the worst case of indigestion I've ever had couldn't even think of taking mushies couldn't even have a bevvy [emoji25] thank fook it's gone today (ran out of Lansoprazole) need to get more before I try any mushies really messes up my stomach

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Switched on all the lights now the two blackjacks have a 150 solar spec cree each and I should have guessed the calmag problem was she's going into flower so ive upped the calcium and magnesium to 1 ml per ltr each

Whole tent lights on

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Dude my head was wrecked last night had the worst case of indigestion I've ever had couldn't even think of taking mushies couldn't even have a bevvy [emoji25] thank fook it's gone today (ran out of Lansoprazole) need to get more before I try any mushies really messes up my stomach

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Have you had that problem for a while? Like years on and off?
Have you had that problem for a while? Like years on and off?
ive had it a while now ive cut out certain things that make it worse mushrooms are one of them unfortunately I normally get by with not taking anything like now I'm fine been the docs they just give me pills ive not had any new pills for over a year so its not that bad just need to make an appointment just cant be arsed :biggrin:

See, I had this from the age of 18- 28. I was guzzling Zantac all day every day and they stopped working after a little while. It got nasty, I won't go into detail but as soon as they diagnosed me, I got a prescription of 4 pills per dose and was permanently cured straight after taking the first dose.

The doctors kept giving me loretadine and gaviscon for years until one doctor hit the nail on the head. Now I can drink cider and eat pizzas all day if I wanna..

Might be worth a look. [emoji6]

See, I had this from the age of 18- 28. I was guzzling Zantac all day every day and they stopped working after a little while. It got nasty, I won't go into detail but as soon as they diagnosed me, I got a prescription of 4 pills per dose and was permanently cured straight after taking the first dose.

The doctors kept giving me loretadine and gaviscon for years until one doctor hit the nail on the head. Now I can drink cider and eat pizzas all day if I wanna..

Might be worth a look. [emoji6]
my father inlaw had that I just need to nag my dr more get some test done