Sweet Seeds Wile loves a bit of Black Jack x2

@Wile e Peyote - I gotta say - great looking tent!
Loving [See. Jealous] of the white walls and awesome lighting.

Pics are fantastic too.
Impressive work. :pighug:

Cheers dude I'm surprised it's still white I'm a scruffy bastard [emoji1] have to say I love the lights they cost a bit but I'm a believer in you get what you pay for (most of the time) I need to save my penny's and get another se 250 cob for my flowering tent then I can put the two cree 150's in the newely set up veg tent) running a Mars reflector in there for now trying to run a truly perpetual tent photos in the summer running at night on 12/12 and my veg tent running 18/6 just germing my last auto's for this summer while I wait for my two mother plants to grow a bit (delicious seeds cotton candy and a critical jack)

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Day 49 there budding up nicely still getting upturned leaves and burnt leaf tips but she's plodding on (the topped one) I've lowered the base nutes and upped the bloom booster the feed is 1 ml silica, 1ml calcium, 1 ml magnesium, 1 ml canna A+B, 2 ml big bud and just to start getting rid of the old roots 1 ml cannazyme per ltr of water only took the pics with my phone bud porn time

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Great job @Wile e Peyote !!!

Those girls look amazing. Your rocking it! I have a few black jack seeds, so definitely interested to see how this turns out. I'm just in time for the best part :) Time to pack on the buds!!! [emoji106]
Cheers for dropping in dude it's by far my favourite smoke out of everything I've grown yet [emoji106]

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day 52 they are budding up nicely there still to green for my liking so ive stopped using canna A+B and started using advanced nutes bloom (less nitrogen) so the feed is now 1 ml canna mono calcium,1 ml canna mono magnesium,0.5 ml silica,1 ml advanced bloom nutes A (were most of the nitrogens in) and 1.5 ml advanced bloom nute B and 1 ml big bud per ltr of water getting decent pics is getting harder so you will have to settle for some random bud porn











ive give up trying to sort the defs out (they should still finish with a decent weight)they have been a finicky pair of bitches from the start :crying:but they still smell great and I know will taste better anywho hope you all have a great weekend peace out :pass:
Looking awesome!!
I'm also playing with the AN Sensi Bloom, adding more or less of A and B to balance the nitrogen and phosphorus and potassium.
That's one of the joys of sharing a res with 4 other plants trying to balance it will be a lot easier when I move to cloned photos over the summer [emoji106]

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What strains do you have planned for summer?
Also Sweet Seeds? Photo Black Jack? Fast Black Jack? :D
They were freebies both delicious seeds cotton candy and critical jack herer the cotton will be ready to take cuttings when I chop these down and put the dinafem cheese xxl, amnesia xxl and a mephisto Hubbabubba from my grow tent to this tent I'm gonna be a busy wile [emoji106]

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