Sweet Seeds Wile loves a bit of Black Jack x2

They are 26 days since popping and new growth on main top stem is crowded and really busy looking

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You need a ph pen dude I think in soil the ph of your feed should be 6.5 and at that age in coco I'm usually on 1.5 ml per ltr there probably hungry but if your ph isn't right no matter how much food you give them they will still starve you really need a ph pen [emoji106]

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You need a ph pen dude I think in soil the ph of your feed should be 6.5 and at that age in coco I'm usually on 1.5 ml per ltr there probably hungry but if your ph isn't right no matter how much food you give them they will still starve you really need a ph pen [emoji106]

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Amazon here i come then ,looks like i will just need to neglect the shopping this week and get creative in the kitchen with whats left in old mother hubbards cupboard lol....i will up the feed though as ive ont been giving them as much water as that ...i think mybe only been getting about a ltre each so i will start there and wait on amazon....suppose i need to but ph up and down at the same time.....fck it beans an toast it is lol[emoji106][emoji111]

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Amazon here i come then ,looks like i will just need to neglect the shopping this week and get creative in the kitchen with whats left in old mother hubbards cupboard lol....i will up the feed though as ive ont been giving them as much water as that ...i think mybe only been getting about a ltre each so i will start there and wait on amazon....suppose i need to but ph up and down at the same time.....fck it beans an toast it is lol[emoji106][emoji111]

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Mate, I've been having a similar problem with soil lately. A lot of the leaves, randomly around the plant go almost white between the veins. Looks similar to your last pic of the big plant. I managed to keep it at bay on one plant by flushing the pot out in the bath. That worked for a bit but I think the problem's back now.

Fookin soil! [emoji51]
Mate, I've been having a similar problem with soil lately. A lot of the leaves, randomly around the plant go almost white between the veins. Looks similar to your last pic of the big plant. I managed to keep it at bay on one plant by flushing the pot out in the bath. That worked for a bit but I think the problem's back now.

Fookin soil! [emoji51]
Ive had to identify a few basics probs in my room u should have a read on my new post how ive taken care ....its not for the faint hearted lol.....post is.... this will not stand with the dude#2

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Mate, I've been having a similar problem with soil lately. A lot of the leaves, randomly around the plant go almost white between the veins. Looks similar to your last pic of the big plant. I managed to keep it at bay on one plant by flushing the pot out in the bath. That worked for a bit but I think the problem's back now.

Fookin soil! [emoji51]
Mine was temp i think as well as ph deficiencies so bought a cooltube to run my 600 hps through stripped the tinfoil of thenwalls and the temp dropped immediately.....its a nightmare when things go wrong...imalso lifted my pots out and up on their trays and gonna starve them till it drys out down a the root base ....

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day 45 theres a few defs (or over feeding)coming through Im not that concerned at the moment though and a bit of wind burn from the fan (rather that than bud rot) other than that its all good the feed is
1 ml canna mono calcium,1 ml canna magnesium,1 ml silica,1.5 ml canna A+B (coco),1 ml big bud and 2 ml hydroguard per ltr of water I'm thinking of lowering the base nutes to 1 ml per ltr and adding cannazyme to the mix to eat up the dead roots and turn them to food as I will be reusing the coco with my photoperiod clones pic time






whole tent shot

well that's all from me have a great weekend :pass:
day 45 theres a few defs (or over feeding)coming through Im not that concerned at the moment though and a bit of wind burn from the fan (rather that than bud rot) other than that its all good the feed is
1 ml canna mono calcium,1 ml canna magnesium,1 ml silica,1.5 ml canna A+B (coco),1 ml big bud and 2 ml hydroguard per ltr of water I'm thinking of lowering the base nutes to 1 ml per ltr and adding cannazyme to the mix to eat up the dead roots and turn them to food as I will be reusing the coco with my photoperiod clones pic time






whole tent shot

well that's all from me have a great weekend :pass:
Looking real nice there,what ever was happening is rapidly sorting its self out ,my growth rate yesterday was nearly 2 inches (and thats real ones not man ones lol) and i swear its changing every times i go in to mist them ......getting nice a green and pistils appearing everywhere,think im going to leave any pics till next week as im sure the difference is going to be remarkable ......now i can destress for the weekend and get me new set up installed over the weekend .....thanks for all advice .......what goes around comes around ,not a bad moto to live by[emoji111] [emoji111] [emoji106]

Sent from my SM-T550 using Tapatalk
Looking real nice there,what ever was happening is rapidly sorting its self out ,my growth rate yesterday was nearly 2 inches (and thats real ones not man ones lol) and i swear its changing every times i go in to mist them ......getting nice a green and pistils appearing everywhere,think im going to leave any pics till next week as im sure the difference is going to be remarkable ......now i can destress for the weekend and get me new set up installed over the weekend .....thanks for all advice .......what goes around comes around ,not a bad moto to live by[emoji111] [emoji111] [emoji106]

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Only passing on what I've learned from this site dude seems fair and it sure beats paying £200 + for shitty weed will look forward to your pic update [emoji106]

Sent from behind you. BOO
Only passing on what I've learned from this site dude seems fair and it sure beats paying £200 + for shitty weed will look forward to your pic update [emoji106]

Sent from behind you. BOO
I will tag u in when i put them up ,considering even people like waira were saying they had never seen anything like it im over the moon they look like their mainlining steroids lol,this is such the right place to be [emoji106] [emoji106] [emoji106] [emoji111] [emoji295] [emoji295]

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