Grow Mediums Wile e Peyote's continuous multi strain drip and coco spectacular

Wile e Peyote

Who, what, why and where
Jan 10, 2015
Reaction score
Right folks were off this is my second grow in coco still got 3 plants from my first grow all budding up nicely but i didn't do a grow journal for that so im making up for it now on monday the 16th march i started to germ 2 seeds from heavyweight seeds 2fast 2vast 2 days later on the 18th i had this

going fairly fast i thought so i put them in there root riot cubes and prepared coco and per-light (70-30) in 11 ltr pots pre watered with 1 ml of canna a+b 1 ml rhizotonic and 1 ml magne cal in 3 gallons of water

when i checked on them a few days later we are here today


at the moment i have the lights on 18/6 i am using canna a+b and advanced nutes big bud haven't had to water them yet will post all the relevant details then im vegging under a mars hydro reflector 144x3w and flowering under a 600w hps in a cool tube and my tent is a secret jardin ds150 i will try my best to update weekly or if anything happens all comments and suggestions welcome until then peace out :Sharing One:
Sub'd up for the show front and center "Munch..munch..munch
glad to have you here dude im really thinking of replacing my 600w hps with a 1200w mars hydro over kill or what ha ha :xlaugh:

Sub'd man wanna see how these girls do :goodluck:
welcome aboard dude if you've got a grow on post a link here :Sharing One:
Here we go!
right just a quick update not much going on they have had there first feed they where given 2ml canna A+b 6ml rhizotonic 2ml magne cal + in 4 ltrs of water i use a blue lab truncheon for the ppm and a blue lab ph pen cant fault them after adding the nutes i then ph'd to 5.9 i fed a little bit around the roots ten watered in circles till i reached the outer coco about 1/2 a ltr in each and exactly 1 week after i put them in there paper towels here are the little ladies


and should be adding a mars hydro 2 1200w led to the mix better get my factor 50 sun block
guess who's new toys came today dragging my arse kicking and screaming into the 21st century got my new stealth phresh hyper fan 6" silenced ducting over sized 8" phresh filter and last but by no means least the baby beast mars hydro 2 1200w LED but i wont have the time to fit them till the weekend
