Why are there so many nonbelievers?

:drool: @dankstyle J prime Goods as always! :bow: ...Frozen Rose, that the strong menthol aroma girl I think?
I wouldn’t water 3 times a day, you would have a big fungus gnat problem. Never said that coco is better than soil, I’m just emphasizing that organic dry amendments do work in coco.
Exactly! If you are using coco like it was really meant to be, as a hydroponic medium/soilless, you'd be running mineral nutes with a formulation made or adjusted for coco's CEC issues (that's cation exchange capacity) at lower ppm's and with multiple feedings a day.... This takes advantage of coco's awesome draining and "breathing" properties to purge out unused excess salt nutes and replace with a rebalanced fresh batch; also the draining draws fresh air into the coco/ root zone where O2 is needed... It's one reason why it's possible to grow big plants in small volume pots in coco.
Best extreme example of this I can show is with the folks who do the Solo Cup challenge... ST. Tom is the king, and it's coco all the way! Soil folks do not fare as well, certainly not for size in particular.
This flooding and large volume run-off (about 20%+) is critical to this method of growing, and it's the #1 grower's screw up when using coco... often they get the erroneous coco is like soil mentality, and that kicks off the hot mess show usually :doh: ... salt build up is the #1 killer issue in coco with noob's to using it, Ca/CEC issues too or often, both!
If not faster yield why do over soil?
This is a non sequitur mate, do you mean will the plant finish sooner? No is the answer on that, bloom speed and total times are not linked to the medium type in and if itself,.... environmental, light and nutritional factors affect this more, beyond what the genetics have to say....
Please let me know If there are any products out there that will make my cannabis plants mature faster, I would like some myself.
I have used this on my known large strains. Week 3-5, I use it as a weekly foliar feed to speed flowering and reduce internodal spacing
Not trying to pick apart this method or say any one medium is better. I guess what I'm asking is why you guys use this over just straight living soil. Or anything Why Coco? What's your reasons? Thankyou
If, and I emphasize if, I go back to coco it will be for two reasons:

1. When shit happens, it is possible/easier to correct in coco than it usually is in soil. This is especially the case if one tries to go water only for an entire grow which is my primary interest with soil and autovalves.
2. The hydroponic nature of coco means, other than the need to pH and monitor EC, adjusting nutes is easier. If you use properly buffered coco, a balanced nute package, and adequate runoff, you know that nute balance will not go sideways. In soil, especially in an attempted water only grow, if the nute balance or pH turns out wrong, it can be complicated and difficult to fix.

Whether I go back to coco is not sorted yet, but I am tempted. My first soil attempt was killed by gnats, and my second one, the current one, has suffered from pH issues and/or nute balance ones, and fixing problems for another attempt would be a crap shoot. I don't know, and don't have a reliable way to even determine what the problem is with my current soil mix, much less exactly how it can be fixed. I am sure that I could sort it eventually, but in how many grows? I only do one indoor grow a year.

With coco and a decent nute line, I am pretty sure that I could get the next grow dialed nicely, but I am less sure about the soil option. Decisions, decisions. :biggrin:
Right now I am using Greengro in my grow which is working pretty well. I am in NFTG #4 soil which has peat coco and worm castings and such. I am going to try some Tupur next grow as well as some sunshine or promix and see how it works with other growing media. Greengro is more expensive than what you are using but it does not take much.
:drool: Aaaaahhh yeah, that's what I'm talkin' about! :woohoo1::clapper: .... and for doubters -->

Interesting range of color expression too, lovely... talk about tasting the rainbow!
Fine bit of work there 420'-- :slap: