I do a similar gig with KIS Organics Nutrient Pack and premium soil,... Empire Builder (CA only I think) and Royal Gold King's Mix, both are coco-based...
RG is known for their coco and coco blends like Tupur, which are nice products...
Just bare in mind that if do a lot of amending with stuff like forest humus, EWC, and other components beyond strictly nutritional, you're not doing as a straight coco anymore, you've basically made a simple soil!
As a straight coco medium, you are "soilless", and that means a lot of "back-up" nutrients are not there... It's very important to make sure what you use has a broad coverage of most all nute elements, and supplement in what's missing,... I do this even with "super" soil.
Si is very important, serves several roles and benefits; micronutes need boosting for sure, or you're likely to get inferior performance if not outright defc.'s... Kelp can help cover that base too, but I like Earth Juice Microblast,... Humic-fulvic's are very beneficial (look in Reference section for a great article)... I also do light PK boosting during bloom to get the best out of the genetics! Inoculants are HUGE, you don't have to be a bloody tea master unless you want to do real-deal TLO, then you're back on a steep learning curve plus proper equipment and various nute components,... But some simple teas are a snap! A bucket, airstone and warmth can make you some nice herd boosting stuff-

... I'll do some EWC and inoculant, dash of some nutes,... plenty of RTU pre-made bagged stuff out there as well...
Look up Dank's grow, I'm not sure what all he does....
Coco reuse is fine with organics, but I'd still do some run-off testing of it for pH and PPM's before cycling it back in,... cover your butt! :smoking: