Outdoor Who is getting mentally psyched for the outdoor 2017 season?

@Big Sur Holy
I have the perfect situation or growing outdoors, but we get gophers or ground squirrels, they just eat everything. Do you guys have any tricks on keeping those lil bastards away (besides screening my entire backyard)?

@trailanimal mention his cat as a pest deterrent, dogs work too. Sierra Dog is the best garden guard against small animals, birds, and humans from entering the back yard. Many people here keep fixed feral cats in the barns for pest control.

If adopting an animal is not a possibility, pepper sprays or just crushed red pepper (i.e., pizza pepper packets) around the base of the plant is an organic deterrent. Good luck!
@cayennecuervo - thank you for your advice. My two cats stare at those gopher holes for hours hoping they will come up! I like the red pepper idea because it doesnt sound as cruel. Now, if I can keep the kids from the college campus I live on out of my back yard, Im growin'.