Photoperiod White rhino grow in the dank den

looking great.
what about the tank ?
Thanks Archie! Now as for the tank..
After spending two days trying to find a pane of glass 5-7mm think, I realised something *wait a minute, the lid for the tank is the same size glass* so after wasting 48hr looking for glass I got around the fixing the tank, with items I already had -.- now the cure takes 7 days, and on the 5th day I though fuck it while everything is the way it is I'll buy and install a 3D back ground, so I done that, tomorrow is the 7th day of curing so I'll be taking the tank out side and test my handy work for leaks, touch wood everything is okay and good to go! Man my lounge room is looking boring and the kitchen is a mess I have aquarium stuff everywhere, the missus is getting annoyed with it :crying:

The background

And the dodgy-hope-this-holds-patch hahah
Also I have a few questions about this new setup.
1) what distance should my light be from the canopy? It's 250w MH

2) my grow space is 1x1x2m is a 250watt light enough for this size tent? Is it to much light, or just the right light for this space?

3) can I grow a auto under a HPS? I wouldn't mind dropping a THC bomb seed in with the WR, if I drop it now it'll be ready around the same time as the white rhino.

Many thanks for any info giving on the above questions... PEACE! :baked:

Just my $0.02 here.........

With the 250W air cooled you can get close depends on ambient temps inside the tent etc. Me personally if I read your dimensions correctly you're saying your tent is 1M sq as in 4x4 for my American stoned self right now? If so I say you need more light if you want to flower, please clarify for me tent size as to not steer you wrong. And YES most definitely an auto can be grown under HPS my last run of sour hounds was finished off with 600W HID after vegging under COB's..........biggest yields to date with the strain for me. I'm no expert just giving you feedback based off of my exp.

This was (3) SH under the HID 600W Blue MH in a 3x3 tent

Cheers :pass:
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Looking good in there brosski, keep up the good work
the girl is looking amazeballs, sure you will get the zips you looking for
Just my $0.02 here.........

With the 250W air cooled you can get close depends on ambient temps inside the tent etc. Me personally if I read your dimensions correctly you're saying your tent is 1M sq as in 4x4 for my American stoned self right now? If so I say you need more light if you want to flower, please clarify for me tent size as to not steer you wrong. And YES most definitely an auto can be grown under HPS my last run of sour hounds was finished off with 600W HID after vegging under COB's..........biggest yields to date with the strain for me. I'm no expert just giving you feedback based off of my exp.

This was (3) SH under the HID 600W Blue MH in a 3x3 tent

View attachment 732331
Cheers :pass:
Thanks for the feed back dude I did learn something from it! You don't need to be an expert, personal experience is best :thumbsup:
And correct it is 1square metre,
I've got a 600w in now bro, so she's flowering like crazy.

Honestly I wasn't expecting to do much under the a 600w, maybe grow two good sized autos haha, but after what you've said I didn't realise how much light power I've actually got.
Thanks for the feed back dude I did learn something from it! You don't need to be an expert, personal experience is best :thumbsup:
And correct it is 1square metre,
I've got a 600w in now bro, so she's flowering like crazy.

Honestly I wasn't expecting to do much under the a 600w, maybe grow two good sized autos haha, but after what you've said I didn't realise how much light power I've actually got.

Yeah for the 4x4 the 600 would be minimum in my opinion. If you can keep the temps under control I would try a 1000W Super HPS from Hortilux. This will depend greatly on ambient temps, A/C in the grow etc. And one of my tips with HID, the Blue MH from Hortilux is my favorite bulb and it adds a ton of frost and sacrifices very little in yield.

Good luck I will be following along. :pass:
Links for the bulbs, not cheap but worth it IMHO.........

Super HPS here:

Check the blue mh here:

And for shits and giggles I am trying to get a hold of the new "Ceramic" HPS they have released in 600....I think this will be a winner and have been waiting a while for it's release:

I think the Ceramic HPS will be a hit and be the new big hit with HID and will start to battle COB's, I loved the 315 CMH I used my only complaint would be lack of penetration to lower canopy like you get with the combination of the two should be a hit we will see.......but the COB's I have running I am really liking.........
Yeah for the 4x4 the 600 would be minimum in my opinion. If you can keep the temps under control I would try a 1000W Super HPS from Hortilux. This will depend greatly on ambient temps, A/C in the grow etc. And one of my tips with HID, the Blue MH from Hortilux is my favorite bulb and it adds a ton of frost and sacrifices very little in yield.

Good luck I will be following along. :pass:
Temps are doing fine, it's really cool this time of year, usually sit around 16-18 degrees (that's 60-64) for you, I don't know how I feel about a 1000w, I'm trying not to be obvious that I'm growing, I don't work at the power company but i can only imagine that would spike my monthly bill and draw attention, I was doubtful about putting the 600w in.
Thanks dude stay tuned, update in about 12 hours when I get home from work
Temps are doing fine, it's really cool this time of year, usually sit around 16-18 degrees (that's 60-64) for you, I don't know how I feel about a 1000w, I'm trying not to be obvious that I'm growing, I don't work at the power company but i can only imagine that would spike my monthly bill and draw attention, I was doubtful about putting the 600w in.
Thanks dude stay tuned, update in about 12 hours when I get home from work

No worries and I was in no way trying to "tell" you what to do if it came across that way just giving you another option. With your temps the 1K watt would not be a problem. With HID it's like car engines, no replacement for displacement :biggrin: Check the Blue MH for your 600W, and just my thoughts you might want the tent a little warmer for veg especially, unless there is a specific reason to be in the 60's with the lights on.........

@Evil-Mobo i didnt take it that way my man haha, i understand what your saying, but hey if i was in the US of A in a legal state id honestly go all out.
and WOW talk about expensive! think my HID's were $80-90 each, (maybe $120USD?) but i have had my eyes on some LED's :headbang:
im thinking maybe an upgrade at Christmas time, shh don't tell the missus :d5: LED and HPS combo. i wonder if she'll notice the brigt purple light..?
no reason the tent is that cool, ive just got the cool tube running and temps outdoors are a tad chilly, i could always set the timer to turn off every hour for 15 minutes to warm it up a little once i start my THC bomb.
speaking of, i better go check that little bugger! and take some snaps!
Alright sorry, I got lazy again, na honestly I got stoned... then lazy :d5: haha.
But I'll drop a quick update just for now until the pot dries out and I can lift the fucker out for some photos haha.

Had temp problems, lowest was 10 degrees (48F?) though it was an easy fix now I have my fan speed controller.
Running @ 80% power (lights on) brought the temps up to a toasty 25 degrees (77F)
While I was at it put the fan on a timer and set it to turn on every hour for 15 minutes (lights off)
Just realised I'm at 8 weeks and 2 days and this is a 9 week strain :dang: maaaaann my loop better get here today so I can check these trichs, knowing my luck it'll be almost ready to harvest and I haven't even started the flush..

Here's a few sneaky snap shots untill I can lift her out of the tent lol.

Please someone help me get my photos the right way :'(


The fattest bud, really packed on the weight during this last week.

I'll have a detailed update tomorrow night hopefully she's dried out a little.
Later mater!:baked: