Budson 420
is it 420 yet?
Thanks Archie! Now as for the tank..looking great.
what about the tank ?
After spending two days trying to find a pane of glass 5-7mm think, I realised something *wait a minute, the lid for the tank is the same size glass* so after wasting 48hr looking for glass I got around the fixing the tank, with items I already had -.- now the cure takes 7 days, and on the 5th day I though fuck it while everything is the way it is I'll buy and install a 3D back ground, so I done that, tomorrow is the 7th day of curing so I'll be taking the tank out side and test my handy work for leaks, touch wood everything is okay and good to go! Man my lounge room is looking boring and the kitchen is a mess I have aquarium stuff everywhere, the missus is getting annoyed with it
The background
And the dodgy-hope-this-holds-patch hahah