Photoperiod White rhino grow in the dank den

19/04/2017 UPDATE!

Week 8 day 3 of flower.

Still no jewellers loop! So I checked eBay and it's saying I won't get it till the 27th funny that as I always receive my orders within 4 working days Aus wide, ( mind you a brought this on the 5th) so I just got ripped off or his sending it via fucking pigeon.. either way I brought a 45x loop and asked for Express shipping, should have that tomorrow!
Did start the flush last night, 3lt of plain tap water.
With the new exhaust fan I'm able to drop the HPS right down to 10" from the canopy, wether it's any good for the plant I'm not sure so being safe and keeping it at 17"


Thanks @Smorf :thumbsup: all besides the one I forgot to crop turned out good!

Hopefully have some super tasty close up's coming this weekend, don't mind a bit of photography, so with my loop I should be able to get some mint shots.

Oh I nearly forgot to mention, I took the smallest test bud I could find off couldn't help myself so keen to try this

Hmm test bud?.. I meant test branch :rofl:
You may need more than one sample! Getting close to the end now. Looks great
This will be the last "grow" update, any posts after this will be strain reviews and smoke report.
Well what an absolute journey this has been, this grow will be one to remember for me.
First time with a proper setup.
First time growing a photoperiod.
First time for high stress training.
You get the point, first time for a lot of things during the grow, this run has opened my eyes to the photo world and I'll definitely be coming back for more... when I have the time to wait 10fucking weeks for them to flower hahah:crying:

Alright! Currently she is sitting in the dark for 48 hours, were 30 hours in, so by the time I finish work have a sleep and wake up IMA HARVEST THIS BAD GIRL!
This strain flowered for 10 weeks and 5 days for a total of 75 days, and to think I could of grown three autos from seed to finish in that time.
I flushed for 11 days, and on the last day gave a massive 30lt water just to make sure there are no nasty's in the soil, she quickly turned yellow, telling me my job, and hers are finally done.
I'll write a grow summary over the weekend and my throughts in detail about this wonderful strain.
Oh and my test bud you ask? Hmmm heavenly I reply, so good in fact I took another cutting of the same size, smoked a total of 2.4g Before he flush and it wasn't harsh at all, really smooth on the throat, so I can't wait to see how the flushed buds compare, kind of an earthy taste I think from growing in soil, did I say it knocks your socks off? Cause it does, just as I was hoping it had the knock out power like her parent white widow, slight tickle fuzzy feeling in the back of your head, then a slow numbing rolls down your spine through out your body relaxing you and finally getting that couch lock affect I love
If I can get my spare phone going, I will time lapse the harvest and post it, I think that'll be cool to watch her coming down.
Beautiful! I've wanted to see a White Rhino grow! FastBuds Rhino Ryder is a White Rhino auto and an excellent plant! Dropped a light on mine and crushed it......:face:....... definitely going to grow it again! A friend grew one itit was some excellent bud! DEEP body stone for sure!
