Mephisto Genetics White Crack and Kis Organics Soil

I was talking about double caps on the Junior - a junior cap and cover over that with an original cap - double cap.
Hey @slowandeasy those City Pickers look worth a try .....

I would do a center transplant ..... I see roots spreading in all directions rather quickly being square almost like it is and we have low wick height, mulch cover and holds 10 gallons or so, claims 1.5 cubic feet which is over 10 gallons - only drawback might be mulch cover, might need to make your own to top dress with any height but no biggie ......

And as you mentioned it’s between the two on quantity as well ..... Looks like a winner slow, good find. Peace, MOB
Yeah, I think that for the price it is totslly worth a try if someone is looking to buy premade SIPs. It comes with casters, so thats not an extra charge like EB. I am not sure how good the Mulch Cover is vs EB, cant be much worse. I agree, I would do a center transplant. I like that it is in between the Jr and Original size, that is why I am building my own. Originals hold 2x the soil of JRs, I am hoping that the 12 gal SIPs I am making hold about the same amount of Soil. 9 or 10 gal vs 7 that Juniors hold....MAX. the extra few Gal.of Soil might be perfect for medium/larger strains. Going to go make 2 of them tomorrow, will take pics as I construct them!
So I started soaking 2 G-Roc seeds last night and will be planting them later today. I bought some new Starter Mix, will do 1 Rootmaker and 1 Direct planted so we can see the difference officially side by side. Also I got my new 6 Light Bar kit today in the mail. I have to assemble it, but it looks pretty cool. I have 4 of the 3500k bars and 2 6500k bars. For a mixed spectrum in my 2x4, should do a good job vegging. You can get them 12 inches away from the plants and I will have wall to wall even coverage.
So I am debating something right now, not sure what to do? My 4x8 tent is falling apart, and I have options of what to get to replace it. I feel like with Juniors that I am not able to fit that many plants inside the 4x8. The Sq Ft is 32sq ft in a 4x8. However once the plants grow in the Juniors I only have 2 or 3 plants per 4x4 area. So 4 to 6 plants in a 4x8, 8 max in Juniors. I could get a 5x5 and a 3x3. That would fit 5 and 2, so 7 plants. I could get 3 of the 3x3 tents and another 2x4. That would hold 8 plants. I dont mind buying multiple smaller tents, because I feel like you utilize the space fully vs wasting space in certain sized tents. For example right now I have a Mystery plant and a Grape Rolex in a 4x4. A decent section is not being used, but really cant put another plant in only 2 plants in a 4x4is kind of a waste of space. Decisions.
Hey @slowandeasy those City Pickers look worth a try .....

I would do a center transplant ..... I see roots spreading in all directions rather quickly being square almost like it is and we have low wick height, mulch cover and holds 10 gallons or so, claims 1.5 cubic feet which is over 10 gallons - only drawback might be mulch cover, might need to make your own to top dress with any height but no biggie ......

And as you mentioned it’s between the two on quantity as well ..... Looks like a winner slow, good find. Peace, MOB
Check this out MOB!? 3X3 SIP. Its actually a really cheap price for that monster! Also, I found the City Pickers in certain colors for $25. That is really cheap. The mulch cover looks nicer in the video and it has casters with it. I will still go to Menards and make a couple SIPs today. I can make 2 for $20. But for $25 I may try a couple City Pickers in the future. Def worth it for anyone looking for a premade SIP. Peace, slow.
Those City Pickers look great you could potentially put 2 plants in there
This one is 3ft x 3ft, you can put 4 smaller strains in it easily.

@MrOldBoy , here is a giant SIP. Put this baby in a 4x4 and run 2 to 4 plants. If it is truely 3x3.

They also have a 48x20 SIP, you could do 2 or 3 plants in it easily. The problem with running multiple plants in tbe same SIP is that top dressing becomes difficult with multiple plants in the same pot. I currently have 4 Fast Master plants in 2 Juniors. They were clones and have done pretty good so far, they are starting week 3 of 12/12. They are perfect sized and should yield decently, however now that they have grown up it is a giant pain in the ASS to top dress them. The Shower Cap works ok, but the plant placement with more than 1 plant makes it rather difficult to top dress. Planting 1 plant at the FAR end of the EarthBox is OPTIMAL for Root Growth and especially for Top Dressing! Having the Single plant at the far end allows you a good 75% of the space for easy access Top Dressing. You dont realize how important the plant placement is u til you start to top Dress plants every 2 weeks. Peace, slow
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4 would be tough, you would have to stick them near the corners.. i like it!
Yes 4 could be tough, and only do smaller strains. Yes, putting them in each corner would be how I would do it if it is really 3ftx3ft. I cant find it on their Website. it might be a typo? I only see the 3x3 at the one 1 website. I will call them tomorrow and ask. If it is really 3x3 ft, I want to know the product details. Like how much soil it holds and how much water the Rez holds. If it is really 3x3 that price is crazy cheap. If I had a large open area I would invest in a bunch of them at that price! Peace, slow
Yea I watched video too and you are right, the cover looks to be very good ..... I do like the ease of handling the Juniors verses the Original that’s for sure - casters wouldn’t do much in my space but with the additional soil it would help with medium / larger strains - perhaps smaller strains for Junior and City Picker for larger strains ......

Tents and choices, I would lean more towards light spread to help with decision .... I do know in flower stage keeping humidity low is easier with a single plant and certainly if bugs hit smaller is better - tough call my friend on size.
When I was going to build my own SIP I was going down the exact same road, lol. The 12 gallons are a nice size. For a cover, I was just going to slice the lid in half, cut out a hole for the stalk, and use plastic for the hole. That way I could have removed half the lid at a time for watering, whatever. Something like this with 4" drainage pipe.

I have been going down this rabbit hole for awhile too and am glad you all are discussing the various options. Thought I had a space lined up but the house I was going to buy needed too much work. Working on another option, just looking for land close to My P’s and will build a large live/workspace. Will be growing a variety of veggies/fruits in a high tunnel or greenhouse and medicine indoors in a very secure space roughly 24’x 10’ for staggered autoflower harvests. (Will have another space for photos and drying/curing but want to go in stages and learn what my true needs are then scale accordingly). It will be a long road but well worth it in the end. Looking for strategies to best fill that space and how it relates to different SIP container sizes depending on strain size. Looking to maximize the space while also building the sealed, environmentally controlled room from scratch with proper electrical service, ac/heat, etc. I keep referencing “Design and Build A Grow Room To Grow” by tradesmen Bill Faulconer and it’s been invaluable. I have more to share later in my own thread but I wanted to give a heads to the people reading this thread who have been very supportive with me so far to get your thoughts.

I just want to say again how much I appreciate the constant back and forth between Slow, MOB and others. You guys have helped me connect the dots after looking at every method of growing available... And could not be happier moving forward with probiotics and sips. You guys are inspiring but my FOMO is real!! Dying to get my hands on some beans from @RocBudInc Gorgeous genetics!!

Thanks for listening everyone and thanks again for the Killer thread MOB!! And I agree with you so much on having that barrier on top for added moisture, bug control, etc. it’s one of the most important features of a SIP yet so many don’t do it.

PS: Here is a great playlist from YouTube on SIP Containers including a couple from “Gardening with Leon” love that guy.

YouTube SIP Playlist