your beating a dead horse.... i advised to check ONE time. ONE TIME and if its not out in a crazy range that your ok in soil for the most part. now if you do that and see something wrong then you need to evaluate your situation but as a generality i think the vast majority of people that have water in the range i quoted will be fine in soil ONLY. i never once asked someone to blindly follow my advice. and yes your nitpicking to the point that its ridiculous. i said most not all so please just stop beating a dead horse. there is no reason for people with autos to worry that the ph shift is crazy once nutes are added as you should not be feeding full on anyway compared to the vast majority of photo grows. its not like im not talking from experience. ive helped a LOT of people look into there setup and ph in soil hasnt been an issue with most growers but the amount of nutrients they use.
Dude.. you can't change the goalpoats halfway through a discussion. It's universally accepted as an unfair debating tactic.
If you start adding all sorts of
other qualifications into your original statement five posts later, you can't then use them to say that I'm beating a dead horse when I'm still replying to the first post.
Fact is.. your first post was clearly saying that if XYZ conditions are met, ph adjustment is unnecessary. That's what you said and that's what myself and one or two others have challenged because it's misleading at best, and is easily shown to be so, regardless of your personal experiences. So far, you haven't amended that statement other than to try and substantiate it with additional qualifications. So, I think it's fair for others to keep challenging it if you keep defending it, especially if it's scientifically incorrect or incomplete advice.
You can't have your original claim be shown to be wrong, and then later on when defending it, pull out the hat four or five other conditions that also have to met for your original statement to hold water.. and even if those conditions are all met, it still doesn't address the compete list of relevant ph antagonists.
Sorry.. but if you maintain that most combos are ok without making it very clear to your readers (new growers in particular) that not ALL combos are ok - so there needs to be adjustment in some grows - then you're effectively taking risks with someone else's grow who doesn't understand all the other factors that an experienced grower may.
You can do whatever you like in your own grow.. that's a given.. and you can tell me I'm wrong and show me how if I am.. but, with the greatest of respect for you as a human being, if you keep trying to piss in my pocket and tell me it's raining, I'll keep calling the spade a spade.