this is why i said normal tap water..... thats why i said to check it once first..... i specifically said to CHECK IT. but once you do and find out you have NORMAL TAP WATER (ph 7.3-6.7) then your going to be ok. i never said Hey everyone just throw whatever in your soil. you put words in my mouth. also soil with the proper bacteria can self adjust pretty well most of the time. to those using soiless medium and hydro you NEED to ph every time. but honestly a soil mix that isnt just garbage can tolerate the ph difference and buffer it to the plant. i would never suggest to just put 5ph water or 9ph water on your plants but again if your tap water is NORMAL then you dont have an issue. and andy idk what nutes you use but that ph drop doesnt sound good at all. some hot nutes you got there fella
Oh.. erm.. if I'm putting words in your mouth it wasn't intentional so I apologise for that.
However, if you say things like this:
with normal tap water and not using a whole bottle of nutrients your ph swing in soil isnt enough to warrant ph'ing unless your just anal and trying to dial in the best possible grow.
.. whic is just not the case for all grows..
if your tap water is NORMAL then you dont have an issue
.. which can be demonstrated with a huge amount of science to be not entirely true statements for every grower.. then it seems fair to challenge them.
If you remove any nuances in my post that gave the impression that I was using hyperbole to reflect what you said, then what's left is me saying that you're still wrong to use such a broad brush to talk about ph and soil grows. Even if the tapwater is good - and as you've just pointed out to Andy - not all nutes are good without adjustment.
You also hadn't qualified your statement -
at that time - that one would need to have a good quality soil mix as well. So, at the time you made your post and I responded to it, those elements weren't present in your statement.
And considering the VAST choice in soil micxes and nutrients.. how can anyone realistically say that if the water is good then no ph adjustment is necessary?
Well.. the answer is that they can't really, because the variation in water supplies, nutrients, soil mixes and even environmental factors like air-quality all affect the ph in the soil. Having good tapwater isn't enough on its own to address all those issues that affect soil ph, and since it's the ph in the soil - not the feed - that really matters.. proper ph adjustment in soil grows is absolutely essential for some people.
Not trying to pick a fight fella.. but the science, and logic, on this one doesn't lie.