Indoor Which LED to get?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Royal Dwarf
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Im getting my 4th and 5th blackstar 240s in a couple of weeks. They might not be the best but i think they do a really good job and for a reasonable price too. you can check out my signature for some buds grown under the blackstars. hope this helps, best of luck.
Nice looking buds man:)

I've got a blackstar 240 uv in the post, should be here Tuesday. I bought it for a 2x2 dr 60 II after doing a bunch of research. It cost me $303 shipped. There are better out there, but they cost double. I'm going to play with the blackstar for a year to see how I like leds before upgrading.
If you start a journal, Leave a link in my journal and I'll follow along with yours:)

I have heard so many good things about the Blackstars man. I mean shit, Muddy has like four I think, he rules and I would do anything he said do with a grow and trust it. There are bigger and maybe better ones but that's more in the $800-1000 range. With $300 bucks right now, today, as far as we know Now with LED's and growing cannabis, I wouldn't buy anything else. Just my opinion though I have never personally used one.
Yeah, I've heard alot of great things about the Blackstar too:)
I Decided to go with the Blackstar 240w:) I bought it yesterday and the UPS tracking numbers says it will be here this Friday:) Anyone know how many actual watts it pulls? I've heard anywhere between 130w and 160w so if anyone know, that would be awesome. It would be even more awesome if you knew what the Pro-Grow 180w pulls? I've heard anywhere between 130w and 160w so +rep to anyone who can tell me either of the LED panels actual watts haha. Thanks
Hey bro. Good choice :thumbs:

My two Blackstar 240W both draw 120W each.

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