Two hours have went by and not feelin much in the way if an edible type high, i have smoked and dabbed the heck outta my stash tho.. I will report in another hour..
You should have felt something by now. I bet you got the wax dialed in right!
Alright my bruddas and sistas!!! Time for an edibles update!!!! The 2.5 grams was taken with a spoonful of canna-coco oil, and a spoonful of lecithin( this is gross by the way)..
this last pic is the wax right before the gullet.. So,, after a few hours i was feeling the effects, euphoric, happy, and heavy heavy eyes!! I had to go lay down after 3.5ish hours for a nap... I woke up a few hours later and was feeling real good.. I thought the high was over so i got up to go do something and the high started over again, i eas back in bed in about another hour, which carried me into today!!! I have found the potent recipe i need to completely forget about anything for a while..the bad thing is, it takes about 2.5 grams to get that high, okay thats not a bad thing.... More soon...
hats off to you,down in one.a hefty big dose for do know its wednesday.
Mang Archie, a conservative estimate should be 10% thc x weight of 2.5 .. 2500 mg.. Sound right.. A damn 100 mg edible from the dispensary is 20 bucks!?!?wtf................I might still be high,i see the dosage calculator thread,250mg okay thats more reasonable...double edit:: im lost with this dosing.. All i know is it was good!!!
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the dosage calculator assumes starting material as a 10g bud is just 9g of green stuff and 1g of thc.
but you started with and extract not a bud.untested (lab)your extract is in the region of 60-90%thc.
so thats why i think we need to get the rough figure of how much bud did it take to make the 2.5g of your extract ? as thats the figure needed for the dosage calculation.
or im really confuddled or that eddible is much stronger than you think.
maybe i dunno,whos good at sums round here ?