That is some smooth smokin stuff right there!! Its some short stuff southern California haze from about 3 months back,been drying and curing since then,i had two complete plants go straight to extracts pile cause i ran out of space in jars...ya know @Dudeski ,you have tried both methods,your buddy prolly has too,now that you have the option of eth or the butter machine ,do one of each!!! Thats the joy of having options. Save some trim and do a dry sift in the future, it's not messy and its quick and easy, @ChillFred has a thread where he uses a panty hose as the screen!! Tag me in when you get rolling!!
Man i bet its a good smoke! I finally got a grinder so im working it hard to to get a little taste. I just dont have a lot of extra to extract with. Have another coconut butter run planned, hopefully tomorrow night. Didn't know the end result of cooking in the machine with eth or the cold version.
Gotta improve my grow skills, only had one big plant and still using her. I think i was stoned weighing it because I have used a bunch, weighed out to cook and got a good amount left. A great mistake! !!!
Gotta improve my grow skills, only had one big plant and still using her. I think i was stoned weighing it because I have used a bunch, weighed out to cook and got a good amount left. A great mistake! !!!
Awesome!! And deserving of a rep slap,you are doing a great job of keeping the MBM thread updated!! I still wanna get one soon,then we could trade some recipes!!....wait for it...bam,max rep to you !!
nice job budelee.dont need to get all fancy for some quick dry sift,looks quality to.
variety is where its at for me,but i just cant grow enough in my 2x3ish to get playing about with things as much as id like.glad i can watch though.
nice job budelee.dont need to get all fancy for some quick dry sift,looks quality to.
variety is where its at for me,but i just cant grow enough in my 2x3ish to get playing about with things as much as id like.glad i can watch though.
Thank you Archie,,your not foolin me tho!! I seen your stash of kief/hash,im still jealous!! Theres a few of you that have been sharing info with me from the start,I appreciate that,and i like sharing ideas and info with all you guys !!
Awesome!! And deserving of a rep slap,you are doing a great job of keeping the MBM thread updated!! I still wanna get one soon,then we could trade some recipes!!....wait for it...bam,max rep to you !!

Thanks budelee! Im grateful for everyone sharing here. Im learning and trying to pass it along.

Those machines are just so easy. Push 2 buttons and walk away.
just got this out of the bottom of me grinder

a bit dirty but so knocks your socks off.
if anyone dosnt have a 4 part grinder...get one.can spice up a joint or bowl up at any time,or can save it up for a rainy day.
only like 3-5g in the wee jars,not much to be jealous of.
just got this out of the bottom of me grinder
View attachment 682762
a bit dirty but so knocks your socks off.
if anyone dosnt have a 4 part grinder...get one.can spice up a joint or bowl up at any time,or can save it up for a rainy day.
only like 3-5g in the wee jars,not much to be jealous of.
Lookin good!! I dont have a 4 part but the stuff i get from the 2 part a good bonus!!