Thats it before the evaporing 96% bio ethanol used
I have one jar full of liquid sittin on the balcony right now and i did use some little smelly stems, some little flower and vaped weed plus some trim i ground up through a mesh to give this extraction thing a try. I am using 96% bio ehtanol and i let the plant matter sit for like 24+ hours in the jar, stiring it to a vortex and changing directions from time to time befor i, yesterday the day after mixing up, filtered it with unbleached coffee filters. Its like -1 to -2°C outside, the plant matter was frozen before doing this and the ethanl was sitting outside 2. Im still not sure how to do it, with or without paper in the bowl...but ill have to use a heat plate to evaporate because i have no other warm spot with airflow...

This is what it looks like right now
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This is fun. I was using a glass bowl which belongs to my girl, since i loved the whole process(maybe cause i got blasted through skin contac and steam) i went to buy 2 square ones for me. just for extracting this way. Dont know whats the price on the eth where youre at but i paid 10€ for 5l alc.96% and found it hte best way to deal with leftovers like vaped weed, stems and stuff i usually throw away (yeah iwas to greedy 2 use fresh bud, just a lil nug). I was impressed how u still can pull potency from that and the crazy look of it had me from the first second. @Dudeski
Alright updating:: The "Live Eth" extract is done....The Reg Eth is purged but needs scraped...the QWISO just went in the pan ...the BHO will have to wait till morning
Live Eth
Qwet,needs scraped..
QWISO.just now starting to purge
Seems I always have trouble keeping up. Or remembering. Older than dirt is a condition as well as a nom de guerre.........

Oh yeah, "Live eth" is whut?
A "Live" extract is from buds fresh from the plant ,then frozen. They dont go thru a drying process or cure,cause all we're after is the oil anyway..This freeze,"ties" up the chlorophyll and water.The terpene profile and taste is different than a reg extract that has been dried and cured..the return is also less than normal,im just showing different ways to get the finished product..a "live eth" extract is not the norm,you hear it more often with super critical fluid extractions like butane..
Heres a pic of the finished QWIOS ..ready to scrape.i have one more small pan of runoff eth,and ill update that one in a bit