i dot like to use heat utill all liquid has aturally evaperated itself(just my way),the i scrape the pyrex ad put o a lil cup warmer for a few hours.i theory iso should evap/purge quicker tha eth.
sorry im missig umers ad letters,ew computer o the way.
Ahhh maaannnn ,responsibilities got in the way of the iso last night,which means i am free tonight!!! Updates coming this evening!! Then maybe i can pit some food back in the freezer...lol...:stir:

Ima tease!
Ohhh your not even right to tease like that bro....well the time is here and i always give 110% ..bwahahahaa ...sooo ,i have some "Live Eth"extract going,some reg eth extract going,im about to start the QWISO,in a bit and lastly..i have a BHO run,but that has to be done in the private thread..heres a tease!!
thestuff for the "Live Resin"
the regular eth extract is rhe front jars,the two in the back is the "live" extract
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I guess i need to get access to the "other" thread! im watching and will hit u up about making a thread to finish my teaser post.
I guess i need to get access to the "other" thread! im watching and will hit u up about making a thread to finish my teaser post.
Awesome bro,i have the "live eth" purging,and im about to start the Qwiso wash!! More soon...