Harvest & Curing What to do with trim???

What is the purpose of running it for 8 hours in the MBM? What does that do? My Infuzium STX looks like a MBM but running it on the automatic 1 hour setting with coconut oil and decarbed plant has given me a hell of a high with just a teaspoon or less of coconut oil in a hot drink. I used olive oil before and it was good but the bottom of the bottle would have sediment at the bottom where the trichomes would settle down.
I am running all of the fresh green leaves for a whole plant extraction without a solvent so I may be over processing but all of my arthritic friends agree that it works. I would hate to make a batch (only one per grow) and have it not be potent because I shorted the process.

If all I was looking to do was get high an hour on previously decarbed but would probably be sufficient. I do not like the taste of the oil if the bud is decarbed prior to oil extraction. It is too toasty for me. So when I make butter I process the bud in the MBMII for 1 hour on 130°F then filter the oil and decarb it in a hot oil bath. The flavor is much better that way.
Lookup QWISO or Quick Wash on YouTube. There are lots of videos. I hate the chlorophyll in the end product so when you do it, leave your wash in a glass jar and set it in the sun for a couple hours to get rid of the chlorophyll.
Your right...I might be off track here, but I make my oil using QWET method as u mentioned (After reading/experimenting several techniques I found this article, “Cannabis Oil QWET Extraction Battle of the Wash: Dry Ice vs. Freezer”
I’ve never done anything different since accept I pull extraction temp to -60f using dryice.
I use only Everclear alcohol.
It is food grade & evaporates to a ppm that’s not worth discussing(But it does take some time to finish on a coffee warmer after the double 155f water bath(NO Flames).
I use a little Penzi glass spice jar with oil in it & toothpick
on the coffee warmer to finish off evaporation of alcohol & Residual water... u don’t stop until “every” teeny little micro bubble is gone & when you think it’s gone it’s not stir with toothpick keep repeating til bubbles gone !!!
Time consuming, but I am left with a product I use with gel capsules & peanut butter and for vaping in the original C cell vape cart. I use no non-food grade products & make hash oil That contains almost no fats, lipids, & NO chlorophyll.
(As an experiment using the technique above I average about 4 gr of oil per 28 Gr if done at room temperature it jumps to around 6 1/2 to 7 Gr, so for me the 3 g difference is the crap I don’t want.
Also, you would think the cold extraction and evaporation of the alcohol would deteriorate the terpene flavor, but it does not vape flavor is still very nice.
(As far as arthritis goes I have very little, But I do intense weightlifting twice a week get DOMS
(basically just muscle soreness)
Several rice grains worth of the oil mixed with the peanut butter put into gel capsule amazingly enough takes it away)
Don’t know if this can help with your medical conditions.
I know from reading many articles on Rick Simpson oil that some medical users simply like the natural oil of the plant with everything in it.

(I will only use Everclear, generic is cheaper here in MO.
Authorized MO cultivators card)
Long soak tinctures pick up too much chlorophyll.
Vodka will extract a lot of chlorophyll (water) and is less desirable than using 185 proof ethanol.
I hate the chlorophyll in the end product so when you do it, leave your wash in a glass jar and set it in the sun for a couple hours to get rid of the chlorophyll.

Why so much hate for chrolophyll? Is it just because of it's bitter taste? CHlorophyll has an almost identical chemical structure to our blood's hemoglobin and is very useful and healthy to us. That's why I think it should stay in a medical tincure... hmmm?

“The Lost Art Of Temple Balls”

Great knowledge in the article. I am an old school junkie so I will definitely be trying this techniques in the future!
Why so much hate for chrolophyll? Is it just because of it's bitter taste? CHlorophyll has an almost identical chemical structure to our blood's hemoglobin and is very useful and healthy to us. That's why I think it should stay in a medical tincure... hmmm?

Great knowledge in the article. I am an old school junkie so I will definitely be trying this techniques in the future!

Many of us who don't want the chlorophyll feel that way because too much hurts our stomachs a little.

I can't eat a salad every day because of that.
Whole herb oil pills hurt the worst, followed by whole herb baked goods, and finally long soak tincture.
This has been developed over time.
But everybody's different.
I think i do the redneck version of the qwick wash.. i dont grow big amounts.or grow for people.. so my end product is not perfect... but it sho will get u high :)
So i use everclear
Whatever trim i got.. tear it up grind it heck just chuck it in a mason jar however..
Into jar cover with everclear
Shake ... let soak for a bit... shake more.. repeat a few times the let it settle for a bit..
use a strainer ..strain into a glass casserole dish. Goal is to keep as much of the now trich-less plant matter out of your ... casserole. :)
Put a little fan on it and the next day you will have a layer of goo. Razer the goo.. i made a little mold/press from 2 beer bottle caps that make a little disk of goodness.
I cut little chunks off and smoke it !
Tried in joints ...hot knives ...pins and cup.
All are great.
Damn good stuff :)
Thats what i do with my trim.
FYI, ethanol if pure..is made from corn.
So for the bio friendly folks out there.
This is something to consider.