Outdoor What size pot for my girls?



putting four autos (2 mazar, 1 kanabia gnome, 1 samasara crystal in my 3 metre poly tunnel, they are going to be in the middle of a load of tomato and pepper plants. I want them to do well but my questions are. 1. what size pot can i put them in to do their best but obviously the smaller they are the more un noticeable they will be. 2. will they still grow well in the middle of the other plants. I havent used a poly tunnel before for growing. Any help will be greatly appreciated. cheers. Sparrowhawk.:bow:
Seems like 1 gal pots would work well for you. I wouldn't go much smaller than this unless it was for the Party Cup competition or something.
i grew gnome on a 1.7 gal without nutes and still pulled ten grams i got pics of it in my album if u wan check it out. it was my first indoor grow ever and to this day i love that sativa , but squidherbs right as usual 1 gal should do you just fine
cheers as long as it wont effect the yield. does anybody else have issues of stealth in a poly tunnel? just wondering as we know a tunnel hides from anyone seeing whats inside but what about say when my dad pops over for a cup of tea in the summer and we are in the garden together and he just harmlessly walks into have a look. I know if it is densley planted with lots of stuff it might be ok, just wondering if anyone else have had a simliar situation.?
Mate why don't you use big pots and bury them on the ground?
You can make a hole for the pots and you just need to get them from the hole when you want to test the PH run off water or check for root bounds for example. This way you can use 3, 4 gals pots without being noticed, it would look like the plants are on the ground and the pot don't get so hot.

They can be in the middle of others plants as long the others plant don't cover them. Depending of what plants you have on the tunnel, you should put the cannabis plants between smaller plants like lettuce and strawberries.

What plastic do you use on your tunnel? The yellow plastic is great to keep a low profile and are better than the regular transparent plastics. They are more expensive but worth every cent.