Indoor What have I got wrong ? 1st Auto Attempt

Hey fello afn'rs !

Finally got underway with my first couple of autos but looks like I'm failing drastically.... Somehow :/
I've grown regular bag seed before outdoors and have no troubles growing the average outdoory.. But as we all do, I wanted to better that.
So i got what I thought was a decent setup for me but now I'm kinda confused as to what is going wrong...

Setup -

Space -
Light -
Mars Hydro II 400w full spectrum (18 on 6 off) [approx 45cm above]
Seeds - 1x Pakistan Ryder (freebie)
2x Sweet Bloody Skunk (sweet seeds)
Coco/soil - Coco (H&G)
Nutes - H&G Coco A+B,
NF Root Nectar
Temps - 24 - 28 celsius
RH - 55% - 80% (max! Rare)

I've been testing my ph by eye with a little colour match chart I got with ph test drops... I know my water is very soft, and is approx 6.8ph but once I add my nutes ect I found it to be sitting about 5.5 to 6.0.

The pakistan (popped 7th Oct) is just a shitty as little thing, hate looking at it... Make me want to turn the lights off and save the power, it was about 5cm tall all the way through till the 30th Oct then just grew up 4cm in between each node... Like I understand stretch but she's a super lanky midget..... If that works

And as for the Bloody Skunks they popped on the 23rd of Oct and today will be there 19th day above and they don't look very special at all, still really small.

I was super excited getting my first proper grow underway and now I'm sorta sad hahaaha ...

Any idea what I'm doing wrong ?? (Pics below)

Dude first off you need a ph pen the drops ain't good enough and what strength nutes are you feeding because the tall girl looks a bit peckish on my phone at the minute when I'm on the computer can have a proper look hey @Roark ,@Ronin what do you think
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Thanks a bunch yozhik , appreciate you stopping by and sharing your info!

The main things I can either boil it down to, was either -

1. ph problems as I don't have a proper ph pen, just use (ph drops mix and colour match solution)

1. Grab pen.
2. Grab paper.
3. Write the following in bold, then underline it ... "I MUST INVEST IN A PROPER PH METER."
4. Have you invested yet? If 'YES', go to 6 ... If 'NO', go to 5.
5. Go to 3.
6. Use you pH meter.

Bad pH WILL kill.

Lights too far away [or too close] won't kill a plant.
Stunt it - yes.
Bleach it - sure.
Cause it to stretch - yep.
Kill it outright? ... Seldom.

Bad pH WILL kill.

Ventilation in, for most growers, is a luxury.
Passive intake is - I would assume - the norm, rather than the exception.

Did I mention bad pH WILL kill?
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A lot of growers do not calculate how much airflow they need a hour for the size of your grow room which is a great way to ruin your plants and Relative humidity too plays a huge part in the health your plant. If you can have passive and ventilation as well as a strong exhaust It makes such a huge difference. If you do not want to use pens use PH perfect line up from advanced nutrients. Use there Hobbyist line up. Go to there website go to there calculator and figure it out. Stick with coco coir or soil less mix Pro mix HP or sunshine mix #4. I hope this helps you
I'm a novice too, so can offer you f%@! all advice in terms of "How To" that requires experience ...

BUT ... as a fellow novice, I would place a reassuring arm around your shoulder and go through a checklist of basics, to try and narrow it down.

For example;

MEDIUM ... Coco ... proven medium - thousands have grown in it, and continue to grow in it successfully ... so you can be confident the issue is not the medium, and pat yourself on the back for having chosen a successful medium.

SEEDS ... Sweet Seeds ... proven breeders - you just need to look at their sub-forum to know these seeds and strains are top class. Putting the freebie plant aside [a lottery], you have chosen good seeds. Again - give yourself a pat n the back.

LIGHTING ... Mars Hydro ... proven ... tested ... not in question. Multiple success stories. Be pleased and reassured with your choice.

So you can be confident the building blocks - they very basics - are not the root issue.
They are all time tested and results proven.

Which means its the 'variables' that exist, in any grow.
My first port of call is ALWAYS the pH of the water.
That is the #1 destroyer of all things green and dank.
Have you double and triple checked it?

Then double check and triple check other ENVIRONMENT factors which play a big part, like temperatures, ventilation, humidity.
Are they in the recommended zones?

If you have basic building blocks sorted like Medium, Seeds, Lighting, Water quality, Temperature, Humidity and Ventilation ... the BACKBONE of the grow ... and you are confident that all of those have been thoroughly checked, re-checked, and validated ... then and only then can you look at the human factor ...


It's a bit like "build it, they will come ..."
Weed is, well ... a weed.
If you provide the environment, it will pretty much take care of itself.

It's when us mere humans, normally fuelled by paranoia and an over-stimulated need and desire to 'tinker', that we make things go bad.

Over or under watering.
Over or under lighting.
Over or under with nutes.

I know I'm stating the bloody obvious ... but you know what? ... sometimes its breaking it down into its most basic parts that we find both confidence of the things we've done right ... and the areas we can improve on.

You made some excellent choices.
Take confidence from those good points.

Learn from the other areas ...
Thats such a great post the support on these forums..breathe of fresh air for sure!
Good luck with your next grow just getting really into these autos myself and it can be a rough time at first but like everyone here has pretty much pumped you have a dope setup! (Honestly better than mine! [emoji23]) Your next grow will be way better and soon enough you wont even remember this post.

HAPPY growing!
Have they started to speed up since bringing that light closer?
I chopped this beauty last night. Had a tiny spot of burn from the IR. Had some overgrown girls around her trying to steal her light. It was also starting to color shift. Blue diesel is always great stuff.
Noticed the bloody skunks speed up a little but they have already showing signs of sex and still miniature .... and all the new growth is mutated and strange textured. I have non autos in coco and there powering along. Friggen autos....
Dude first off you need a ph pen the drops ain't good enough and what strength nutes are you feeding because the tall girl looks a bit peckish on my phone at the minute when I'm on the computer can have a proper look hey @Roark ,@Ronin what do you think
Man those pens are the bomb just ordered one .