I'm a novice too, so can offer you f%@! all advice in terms of "How To" that requires experience ...
BUT ... as a fellow novice, I would place a reassuring arm around your shoulder and go through a checklist of basics, to try and narrow it down.
For example;
MEDIUM ... Coco ... proven medium - thousands have grown in it, and continue to grow in it successfully ... so you can be confident the issue is not the medium, and pat yourself on the back for having chosen a successful medium.
SEEDS ... Sweet Seeds ... proven breeders - you just need to look at their sub-forum to know these seeds and strains are top class. Putting the freebie plant aside [a lottery], you have chosen good seeds. Again - give yourself a pat n the back.
LIGHTING ... Mars Hydro ... proven ... tested ... not in question. Multiple success stories. Be pleased and reassured with your choice.
So you can be confident the building blocks - they very basics - are not the root issue.
They are all time tested and results proven.
Which means its the 'variables' that exist, in any grow.
My first port of call is ALWAYS the pH of the water.
That is the #1 destroyer of all things green and dank.
Have you double and triple checked it?
Then double check and triple check other ENVIRONMENT factors which play a big part, like temperatures, ventilation, humidity.
Are they in the recommended zones?
If you have basic building blocks sorted like Medium, Seeds, Lighting, Water quality, Temperature, Humidity and Ventilation ... the BACKBONE of the grow ... and you are confident that all of those have been thoroughly checked, re-checked, and validated ... then and only then can you look at the human factor ...
It's a bit like "build it, they will come ..."
Weed is, well ... a weed.
If you provide the environment, it will pretty much take care of itself.
It's when us mere humans, normally fuelled by paranoia and an over-stimulated need and desire to 'tinker', that we make things go bad.
Over or under watering.
Over or under lighting.
Over or under with nutes.
I know I'm stating the bloody obvious ... but you know what? ... sometimes its breaking it down into its most basic parts that we find both confidence of the things we've done right ... and the areas we can improve on.
You made some excellent choices.
Take confidence from those good points.
Learn from the other areas ...