Indoor What have I got wrong ? 1st Auto Attempt

I have extensive experience with coco and LEDs. You want to get close to stimulate branching and fast growth. Then after the first two or three weeks take the light up another foot to make them reach up for about two weeks. Then get close for the rest of the growth. I am telling you it is the light intensity. They are slow and reaching due to weak light. I could tell from sorting out a few different friends that were having the same results. Weed is one of the most high performance plants on earth. They are greedy for light.
I have extensive experience with coco and LEDs. You want to get close to stimulate branching and fast growth. Then after the first two or three weeks take the light up another foot to make them reach up for about two weeks. Then get close for the rest of the growth. I am telling you it is the light intensity. They are slow and reaching due to weak light. I could tell from sorting out a few different friends that were having the same results. Weed is one of the most high performance plants on earth. They are greedy for light.
Thanks again dude! Definitely gonna go lower it now, and do that with my next run. Its hard getting used to a few new things at once, going from me only using soil and sun for the past year or so, to coco led and autos... It's all so different :P
Glad to help. I always do a hand test. If the back of my hand feels warm after ten seconds and not hot at a certain height it is right. Coco is pure hydro so the plants roots have ample oxygen, nutrients, and water to go wild. Coco also does a natural nutrient buffering thing where it holds onto nutrients in times of excess, and release later on. It behaves like the best draining spongiest soil ever. Feel free to contact me for advice on coco,DWC, and LEDs. I have used Apollo Horticulture, Vipar, and Dirt Genius panels. I hear great stuff about MarsHydro.
I have had twisted growth on soil with too much micro nutrients. I usually transplant my autos and have no problems so they can be transplanted. My last auto pulled 2 ounce 22 gram dried. I don't know much about coco but if it was me I would have added a little lime to the coco and maybe some bone meal so help buffer the PH better. I believe your also suppose to flush your medium like every 2 weeks to flush out salt build up so you don't get nutrient lock out.
I'm a novice too, so can offer you f%@! all advice in terms of "How To" that requires experience ...

BUT ... as a fellow novice, I would place a reassuring arm around your shoulder and go through a checklist of basics, to try and narrow it down.

For example;

MEDIUM ... Coco ... proven medium - thousands have grown in it, and continue to grow in it successfully ... so you can be confident the issue is not the medium, and pat yourself on the back for having chosen a successful medium.

SEEDS ... Sweet Seeds ... proven breeders - you just need to look at their sub-forum to know these seeds and strains are top class. Putting the freebie plant aside [a lottery], you have chosen good seeds. Again - give yourself a pat n the back.

LIGHTING ... Mars Hydro ... proven ... tested ... not in question. Multiple success stories. Be pleased and reassured with your choice.

So you can be confident the building blocks - they very basics - are not the root issue.
They are all time tested and results proven.

Which means its the 'variables' that exist, in any grow.
My first port of call is ALWAYS the pH of the water.
That is the #1 destroyer of all things green and dank.
Have you double and triple checked it?

Then double check and triple check other ENVIRONMENT factors which play a big part, like temperatures, ventilation, humidity.
Are they in the recommended zones?

If you have basic building blocks sorted like Medium, Seeds, Lighting, Water quality, Temperature, Humidity and Ventilation ... the BACKBONE of the grow ... and you are confident that all of those have been thoroughly checked, re-checked, and validated ... then and only then can you look at the human factor ...


It's a bit like "build it, they will come ..."
Weed is, well ... a weed.
If you provide the environment, it will pretty much take care of itself.

It's when us mere humans, normally fuelled by paranoia and an over-stimulated need and desire to 'tinker', that we make things go bad.

Over or under watering.
Over or under lighting.
Over or under with nutes.

I know I'm stating the bloody obvious ... but you know what? ... sometimes its breaking it down into its most basic parts that we find both confidence of the things we've done right ... and the areas we can improve on.

You made some excellent choices.
Take confidence from those good points.

Learn from the other areas ...
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Thanks a bunch yozhik , appreciate you stopping by and sharing your info!

The main things I can either boil it down to, was either -

1. ph problems as I don't have a proper ph pen, just use (ph drops mix and colour match solution)
2. Lights being placed to far away
3. Perhaps ventilation? But I have a fan and ducting taking air out but no fan bringing air in, (but I keep the mesh windows open on tent allowing air in)
4. All of the above .... Haha

I'll just have to experiment some more, I'm fine with regs in soil in the sun, but so novice with autos coco and led :/
Joe383 you should not be mixing lime into coco coir, or telling people to do it. Coco has a natural ph of 6.8 already. That would kill cannabis and most other plants. You also do not mix bone meal or anything else into it if doing hydro. Those things will not breakdown properly in pure coco. Mold and soil fungus will be the result. If you want to use bone meal and other organic sources, they need to be in a tea. It is a true hydro technique. Just has some nutrient and ph buffering qualities to take the sharp corners off hydro for beginners.