What do you want to see on AFN going forward?

Grow of the month
Maybe start a thread where users can make nominations of grow threads to be showcased then the moderators choose one each month based on real feedback. The Mods would reach out a few weeks before the next month asking the next person if they would like to be showcased and if the person agrees they would make a small write up/overview of the grow and at the bottom would be the link to the original grow thread. I used to be active on a reefing forum and it was an honor to get showcased on their homepage as reef of the month and took awhile to build the tank to a place of show off levels. They had a template where you would list equipment and husbandry techniques etc. and I think we could come up with something similar that would be both interesting and educational.
Great idea! I'd also like to see..'Harvest of the Month' . All the above could give a chance to showcase genetics from our sponsors regularly.

AFN subscriptions that are optional

Susscribers would be entitled to certain benefits and AFN merchandise
Be good thing to try to raise funds for the site.
Just need to get it set up in a way that it pays the monthly fees for the site, if done right then it would be a great benefit for sure.
$3 per month for any member interested
Entitles you access to private posting that only subscribed members can see. (pay for privacy)

AFN merch every so often if you choose to accept it
(incase you want to keep address details private.)

It's not a subscription for anything extra so that members that dont join lose out on anything,
It's more for support of the site & extra privacy options.

In not sure wat else as I'm stoned as fuck.
Could there be a way to keep the threads for breeding at least for more then a year or 2? Just cause they take a while and it would suck to lose all the info in the middle :pass:
Good call! My project will approx. take 4 years!
A few ideas: Forums specific to cultivation methods, ie: organic/living soil; coco; soil; hydroponics

Tag clouds

Reinvigorate the "let food be thy medicine", extraction, and cannabis cookery forums

And I second the motion for fish and chips