I Have guests so i have to be social, Hence the quick post.
No nutes added at all, 800ml of water on Wednesday, that was the first water. The 125cfl is around 3-4 inch away. Should I raise this?
The soil feels dry to the touch on the edges.
Ill take some proper full pictures of the light and another close up.
Good Evening all,
Finally they leave !! So hard to be polite around non tokers, Especially when all you want to do is sit down, roll up and read about growing!
With regards to the watering...When i first filled up the pot with soil, i water the pot until i saw the run through. Left it for a little while, then added the seed.
Next watering was three days after, and around the 800ml.
I took a soil temp just now and its just tipping the 26c.
Took another pic, doesnt seem as bad as I first though but please let me know what you think.
Good Evening all,
Finally they leave !! So hard to be polite around non tokers, Especially when all you want to do is sit down, roll up and read about growing!
With regards to the watering...When i first filled up the pot with soil, i water the pot until i saw the run through. Left it for a little while, then added the seed.
Next watering was three days after, and around the 800ml.
To give you an idea.. when I water a 1ltr pot for germing a seedling, what I do is plant the seed and just spray the top and keep that moist until she pops. Once she's popped she can go for a good 2 days with just an occasional light spraying of the surface soil. Enough tickles down for her early taproot. At that point, what she really wants more of is air. After her 1st stet of fan leaves are about 1.5cm wide I saok the pot and then probably won't water it again for another 3 days. << That's all sped up with airpots but normal pots dry-out a lot slower.
With that in mind.. you can probably empathise when I read that the soil was drenched and then more water was added just 3 days later and got a bit worried.
By the way, in that last pic she looks spot-on. No more water for a few days until that soil is properly dry again.
yeh dont water on a schedule just when they need it. theres still alot of moisture in the soil when the top dries out.
a good way is to lift the pot and mentally note the weight while wet and then check again and if its alot lighter it has lost the water, obviously hard to know the first time but very easy aftewards.
what soil are you using? i read through but i may have missed that. if there are slow release nutrients in it then they may have been burning the seedling causing the yellow leaves(doesnt look bad so far though). miracle grow is usually warned against as most of their line has it in it i think.
its looking good in the recent pic.
BGRT: Im using biobizz light soil. I suppose as a beginner I find comfort in a timetable. I need to relax with this a little more
BigBuddha After reading about how you water at the beginning I can see how I over did it !
Just checked the soil again, a little deeper this time and its still very wet.
I can honestly say that tomorrow being a third day, I would have watered the plant. With out a doubt. !! So thank you again!!
Heres another classic smoking friend of mine !
“Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”
Hypothetically if it takes ten days for the soil to dry.. leave it for ten days. That's perfectly fine. There'll be enough nutients in the soil for that amount of time. If she were mine, I'd be thinking to myself that the primary goal now is to get that soil dry again so that I can give her the first light feed next time I put something in the pot. What I wouldn't want is to find that the soil is still too wet when the plant needs some food.
I love them when they're at this stage. They really need nothing from us bit a teeny bit of water and light. Anything I can do help her get to the next level I'm happy to help out if I can.
So my first week under my belt and thanks to you AFN members looking over me, she is still alive
It’s been a good learning week. I am more relaxed than I was this time last week. I’m not constantly scouring around trying to find outeverything than could or can go wrong and just letting her be.
The soil is drying our nicely. It’s still damp under the the first inch or so. Temps are nice and steady.
Ill post weekly going forward unless I’m panicked.
it looks just like mine at that age, but mine has now got yellow new growth, its a pain isnt it trying to keep yourself from checking them every opportunity they get. Just need to relax I guess!!! good luck, onwards and upwards
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