Grow Mediums Welcome to the Autopot Forum!

About damn time! lol !

Hey guys, I'm pleased to announce that AutoPots is officially coming on to the forum as a vendor and will have an official representative dropping in as well to say hello! It wasn't a hard sell when I told them we already had a forum created for them with thousands of posts :rofl: Great guys, looking forward to making it official :d5::d5::d5:
Very cool since I have turned about 6 growers on to them who are mostly in their first AP grows but unfortunately, on another site (though some have user names here). I just finished my second successful AP grow and I am hooked.
Seeing Hansbrick's grows is what convinced me! And I too promote them all the time.
Seeing Hansbrick's grows is what convinced me! And I too promote them all the time.
That’s what convinced me to go with autopots and I too promote them whenever I can. After several successful grows I’m even more convinced. Only growing system I can leave alone for multiple weeks and still expect the girls to be fine. Will be nice to have them onboard and not denying that autopots work great with cannabis.
Hey guys, I'm pleased to announce that AutoPots is officially coming on to the forum as a vendor and will have an official representative dropping in as well to say hello! It wasn't a hard sell when I told them we already had a forum created for them with thousands of posts :rofl: Great guys, looking forward to making it official :d5::d5::d5:
Did I miss that hello, boss. They have a userid yet, I would love to be able to probe their brains on here.
love autopots too.
can i just throw out there what i do with mine, for any feedback if i should do things differently or not and i also have got a silly question for you guys, it probably requires an obvious answer but here goes

i have only ever grown with autopots and i have done 3 grows so not experienced. Once they have germinated i put them directly in to the 15L pot (reason being i dont have to transplant). i use coco and those pebble things that sit at the bottom 3/4 up on the airdome.
i will pre charge the coco with some weak nutes. i will make 20l of water with 20ml ionic grow and 20ml green fuse with a 0.4 EC where my base water is 0.3 and PH 5.8
i then flush 5L through each of the pots. i have 4 x 15L pots
i then plant the seed directly in to the pot
as like you guys i have to hand feed from the top before the roots are established. i usually do this no sooner than the 14th day
i have airdomes and usually put them on either 7th day or when the res is turned on.

now my question.....
what do you guys use to collect the water when you feed from the top? at this point we wouldnt be using the base for the autopots and as i am directly using the autopot (even though not using the res yet), i then have run off which i dont want the pots sitting in. how do you guys get around that?
Feed seedlings only small amounts of waterI water well with mild solution just before planting. I don't like sprouting in pots that large, its hard to not over water seedlings in large pots. I've transplaned hundreds of autos with 99.5% success. I water well 2-3 days before I transplant then let it dry a bit. I use 1 quart containers for starting plants. I transfer when the leaves are as wide as the pot, the root system has filled the pot by then. I see growth within hours of transplanting, no stalling. After a transplant, I water them ounce with 8 ounces of water. The next day 12, the third day I water the entire surface of the medium in my pots, about a quart. I don't water again unless the surface is dry to more than a n inch down. I don't worry about run off, there is either none my way or it gets taken back up. Usually withing 7-10 day, I can turn on the res. Again, I use canopy width to determine when to go on the res.

love autopots too.
can i just throw out there what i do with mine, for any feedback if i should do things differently or not and i also have got a silly question for you guys, it probably requires an obvious answer but here goes

i have only ever grown with autopots and i have done 3 grows so not experienced. Once they have germinated i put them directly in to the 15L pot (reason being i dont have to transplant). i use coco and those pebble things that sit at the bottom 3/4 up on the airdome.
i will pre charge the coco with some weak nutes. i will make 20l of water with 20ml ionic grow and 20ml green fuse with a 0.4 EC where my base water is 0.3 and PH 5.8
i then flush 5L through each of the pots. i have 4 x 15L pots
i then plant the seed directly in to the pot
as like you guys i have to hand feed from the top before the roots are established. i usually do this no sooner than the 14th day
i have airdomes and usually put them on either 7th day or when the res is turned on.

now my question.....
what do you guys use to collect the water when you feed from the top? at this point we wouldnt be using the base for the autopots and as i am directly using the autopot (even though not using the res yet), i then have run off which i dont want the pots sitting in. how do you guys get around that?
now my question.....
what do you guys use to collect the water when you feed from the top? at this point we wouldnt be using the base for the autopots and as i am directly using the autopot (even though not using the res yet), i then have run off which i dont want the pots sitting in. how do you guys get around that?
For autoflowers I plant directly in the pot also and I only feed about every five days the first three weeks and since I precharge my medium I only feed about 500ml the first time and might be at 1.5 liters by the time I put them on the reservoir. So it’s not a lot of drain off from that small amount in a 15 liter autopot. I use the trays when they are available for catching whatever runoff there might be. Then a small shop-vac will suck it right up for you. When the trays are not available I just water them on my front porch or in a dish washer tray like the restaurants use.