Indoor Weed Wars EPISODE III "A New Hope" by Vlad the Inhaler

It's thrips again bud. Apparently there's a lot of them around at the mo. I've seen posts about them on the local Worzel Facebook groups. My vent is just above ground level so it sucks the fuckers in and fires them at the plants! [emoji38]

I'm gonna re-do the ducting soon with a tight stretched over the entrance to stop the fuckerz.

Aww well, could be worse!
Use both legs of the tights vlad and double them over makes it harder for the little fuckers to get in [emoji106]

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It's thrips again bud. Apparently there's a lot of them around at the mo. I've seen posts about them on the local Worzel Facebook groups. My vent is just above ground level so it sucks the fuckers in and fires them at the plants! [emoji38]

I'm gonna re-do the ducting soon with a tight stretched over the entrance to stop the fuckerz.

Aww well, could be worse!
Not your fishnet crutch less ones.

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Sprayed my lot last night, Pinachunk the elder had been got at, no signs on the others, but they're there. I can hear them plotting against me when I'm bed at night.

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Are they on gsc1? They love a nitrogen heavy plant.

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Yeah they started on that one and all seem to have moved next door now. I thought it was a cal def cos I couldn't see any bugs at first.. Fookin loads last night tho.

I shall seek some ladybirds from the garden.

Also after these three are finished I'm getting a new tent and auto pot system. [emoji1360]
Yeah they started on that one and all seem to have moved next door now. I thought it was a cal def cos I couldn't see any bugs at first.. Fookin loads last night tho.

I shall seek some ladybirds from the garden.

Also after these three are finished I'm getting a new tent and auto pot system. [emoji1360]
Is a male ladybird a ladyboy?

Chuck em at night, they head straight for your lamp and fry.

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